Chapter 19: Into the Clouds

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(4 Days Earlier, Konoha)

Kakashi Hatake sighed as he sunk into his chair. It had been another uneventful day so far, and he was bored out his mind. The silver haired Hokage would usually try to read a few pages of his prized Icha Icha books. But ever since he had started dating Shizune, she had confiscated all of his books. She had threatened to burn them all if he attempted to find them.

Turning his head, Kakashi gazed at the piles of paper work on his desk. With a groan Kakashi turned and looked at the clock on the wall.

"Might as well get some of this done, before I head home." Kakashi said as he picked up a form, and started to read it.

But right before Kakashi could sign the paper, he heard a few knocks at the door.

"Enter!" Kakashi said as he set the paper down.

The door opened to reveal Karin and Itachi.

"Oh, hello Karin, Itachi." Kakashi said with an eye smile. "What can I do for you two?"

"I have some police reports for you." Itachi said as he handed Kakashi a manila envelope.

"And I have this weeks patient files." Karin said as she handed Kakashi another envelope.

"I see, thank you both. But don't Obito and Rin usually bring these to me?" Kakashi asked as he looked from Itachi to Karin.

Both Karin and Itachi turned bright red.

"Ugh Obito and Rin are um...busy." Karin said with a massive blush across her face.

"Busy? With what?" Kakashi asked enjoying their embarassment.

"You know they're busy." Karin said putting extra emphasis on the word busy.

"I still don't follow." Kakashi said pretending to be oblivious.

"What Karin is trying to say, is that Obito and Rin are having sexual relations. So we had to fill in for them." Itachi said calmly even thought his face was bright red.

"Ah, I see." Kakashi said as he tried to stifle his laughter.

"You knew the whole time, didn't you?" Karin asked with a sweatdrop.

"Of course, those two have been going at it like rabbits in heat for two weeks now," Kakashi said as he suddenly looked sick. "I actually walked in on them, while they were in the heat of it. I saw absolutely everything. I had no idea Rin was so flexible." Kakashi said as a shudder ran through his body.

Before either Karin or Itachi could say anything, the door burst open. Everyone's heads turned to see Izumo and Kotetsu run into the room carrying an exhausted Juugo.

"Juugo!" Karin screamed as she ran up to him. "What the hell happened!?"

"I-I need t-to speak with H-Hokage-sama." Juugo wheezed out.

"Let me do a quick check up first." Karin said as her hands started to glow green.

"Y-You learned medical n-ninjutsu." Juugo said with a small smile.

"Well I have to be of some use around here." Karin said as she returned the smile. "Well you seem fine, you're just extremely exhausted."

"Yes, I've b-been running for almost three days to get here." Juugo said as Izumo and Kotetsu sat him down on a couch.

Kakashi stood up from his seat, and walked over to Juugo.

"Juugo, what did you want to tell me?" Kakashi said as he stood in front of Juugo.

Juugo looked at Kakashi, then to Karin. He took a deep breath before he spoke.

"I was returning to Oto from a mission, but when I neared the village I noticed that the animals were all running away from the village. So I took of running towards the village b-but when I got was gone." Juugo said making everyone go wide eyed.

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