Chapter 23: The Nanabi

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"Wait Fū before you head back I have something I need to tell you." Naruto said as he grabbed Fū's shoulder.

"What is it Naruto?" Fū asked with a confused look.

Naruto took a deep breath and looked Fū in her orange eyes.

"Chōmei wants to be sealed back inside you." Naruto said making Fū's eyes widen. "He wants you to be his jinchuriki again."

Fū stared at Naruto with wide eyes. Her mouth was agape, as she began to sputter incoherently. The former jinchuriki had no idea what to say, as she continued to stare at Naruto. Her mind began to race, and she tried to comprehend the information she had just heard. Fū blinked several times, and a few moments later she released a heavy sigh.

"I really don't know what to say Naruto." Fū answered, as her shoulders sagged.

"That's understandable, because this is a very big decision for you to make." Naruto said, patting Fū on the shoulder. "I'll let you think it over for a bit."

Flashing Fū a quick smile, Naruto jumped out of the clearing to give Fū time to think. Alone once again, Fū groaned and walked back over to the small pond she had been soaking her feet in. Fū sat down and put her feet back into the water. She sighed and ran her fingers through her mint green hair. What should she do? She didn't have a bad relationship with the bijuu that used sealed inside her, they mainly did their own things. But because the bijuu had been sealed inside her it caused her to be resented by the people in her village. She was an outcast, and lived a hard life because of the bijuu. But now that Chōmei was no longer sealed inside her, she could possibly start over and live a normal life.

Fū looked at her reflection in the water with an estranged look. What if her village still didn't accept her, even when she didn't have a demon sealed inside her? Then she would no place to go. Fū's eyes dropped and a sad look spread across her face, as she remembered how coldly the villagers used to treat her. She then remembered Naruto's words. How he was able to win over the people in his village, and eventually become loved. But Naruto was a war hero, and had saved his village several times. Fū hadn't saved her village from certain destruction, and she might be decent shinobi but she was no hero like Naruto. Fū couldn't decide on what path to choose, both of her option had pros and cons. Whatever decision Fū made would change her life for better or worse. However Fū was shaken from her thoughts by a voice on the other side of the pond.

"Boy do I know that look very well." Naruto said with a slight chuckle. Fū looked up to see the blonde jinchuriki sitting across from her, on the other side of the small pond. "I'd get the same look on my face whenever the people in my village called me a 'demon.' You know, you and I are actually very similar." Naruto said with a toothy grin, causing Fū to raise an eyebrow. "I bet you pulled a bunch of pranks when you were younger to get attention, am I right?" Naruto asked, making Fū's eyes widen. A sad smile spread across Naruto's face, as he stared at his own reflection in the water. "Back then any attention, no matter how bad it was, was good enough for me."

Naruto suddenly stood up and walked across the water towards Fū. The blonde jinchuriki sat down next to Fū, and smiled at her. Fū was amazed by Naruto's deep blue eyes. There was no hint of sadness or anger in them. Only a comforting warmth that made Fū's heart flutter. Naruto wrapped his arm around Fū and pulled her close. Fū stiffened at first, but she eventually relaxed and actually moved closer to Naruto.

"I persevered through all the hate, and eventually I made friends." Naruto said, remembering his days in the academy. "The first person to really treat me like an actual person was one of my academy teachers, Iruka-sensei. He was like a father to me."

"Yeah it was the same for me and Shibuki." Fū admitted, a small smile spreading across her face. "Everyone in the village treated me like crap except for Shibuki. He always looked out for me, and made sure that I was taken care of." Fū sighed and looked back to the water. "Like you and Iruka, Shibuki was like the father that I never had. But he was so damn overprotective. I was usually kept isolated, and was rarely allowed to leave the village."

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