Chapter 14: New Abilities

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Naruto groaned as the harsh sunlight hit his face. When he tried to lift his arm to block the sunlight, he felt something holding it down. He turned his head to see Hinata still asleep with his arm tightly in her grasp. Naruto's drank in Hinata's nude form, that was until he realized where they were.

"Oh shit! We're still on top of the Hokage Monument!" Naruto thought in panic, but then his face turned white as he remembered something else. "FUCK! Lee runs through this area on his daily laps around the village!"

As if on queue Naruto heard a shout from Lee off in the distance.

"YOSH! I must keep running to show Gai-sensei that my flames of youth are not burning out!"

Just as Lee came into sight Naruto quickly grabbed their clothes, brought Hinata close, and then used his Hiraishin to teleport them to his apartment. With a soft thump Naruto landed on his couch with Hinata still in his arms.

"Wow that was close." Naruto breathed out as he wiped the sweat from his brow with his free hand.

When Naruto looked down he saw that Hinata was still fast asleep.

"How is she still asleep? Well after everything we did last night I shouldn't be too surprised. I'm still sore in places I didn't know I had." Naruto thought as he remembered the exhausting and pleasurable night they both had. After 3 and a half hours of nonstop sex Hinata finally passed out after a particularly powerful orgasm. Naruto silently thanked ever deity he could think off as he held Hinata close. He honestly didn't know how much more he could take.

"I really hope it's not like that every time we have sex." Naruto thought as he carefully dressed Hinata and put on some fresh clothes.

After Hinata was dressed Naruto quickly checked to see if Konan was home. He found her sound asleep right where he left her the previous night. Naruto then went back into his room and picked up Hinata bridal style before he teleported to the Hyuuga estates. He snuck past the guards at the gates, then he crept through the halls.

When Naruto eventually reached Hinata's room, he silently opened and closed the door. But just as he was about to turn around a cough made him go stiff.

"Care to explain to me why you're sneaking into Hinata-sama's room with her asleep in your arms."

Naruto slowly turned around to see Neji sitting on the bed glaring at him.

"Uh can I please put her down? It will be awkward to talk to you with me holding her." Naruto asked as he started to sweat.

"Fine but if you try to run off I'll paralyze you for life." Neji said in a emotionless tone as he stood up.

Naruto quickly walked over and gently placed Hinata in her bed. When Naruto turned around he saw Neji standing at the door waiting for him. Taking a deep breath he walked out into the hall with Neji.

"So I'll ask again. Why were you sneaking into Hinata-sama's room with her asleep in your arms?" Neji asked in a slightly dangerous tone.

"Uh we were up late last night, and she fell asleep at my place. When I woke up I didn't want to wake her, so I carried her home." Naruto explained as he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"What exactly were you doing that kept you up so late?" Neji said as his eyes narrowed.

Naruto really started to sweat now.

"We were...uh...oh man...we were..."

"Naruto if you don't spit it out I'll go get Hiashi-sama, and let me warn you he can be far less understanding than me."

Hearing that drained all the color from Naruto's face.

"Shit I might as well tell him." Naruto thought as he took a deep breath.

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