Chapter 8: A Flurry of Emotions

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Tsunade was sitting at her desk finishing the last of her paperwork for the day. She had sent Shizune home early, and was alone in her office.

"I've been working nonstop for the past week. Thank Kami I can finally retire soon." Tsunade thought as she eyed the drawer where she kept here sake. "No! I need to focus, once I retire I can get drunk."

As Tsunade got back to her paperwork, she heard a few knocks at the door.

"Enter!" Tsunade yelled thinking it was Shizune coming back to check on her.

"Uh shishou can we speak with you?"

Tsunade looked up and was surprised to see Sakura and Hinata standing in front of her desk.

"Oh Sakura it's you. Sure what do you want to talk about?" Tsunade said as she smiled at her apprentice.

Sakura looked at Hinata, and they nodded to each other. Sakura slowly lifted up here sleeve to show the three rings on her upper arm.

"So you got a tattoo, I didn't think you were the type Sakura." Tsunade said with a smirk.

"It's not a tattoo Tsunade-sama." Hinata said surprising the blonde Hokage.

"What do you mean it's not a tattoo? Then what is it?" Tsunade said as she stood up and walked over to Sakura.

"Uh I think it's best for you explain this Sakura." Hinata said as a slight blush crossed her face.

"Shishou this is...this is...a mate mark." Sakura said as her cheeks turned bright red.

"A what!?" Tsunade said in a slightly upset tone.

"It's a mate mark, I got it after Naruto and know did it." Sakura said the last part in a quite tone.

"That little bastard, he just couldn't keep it in his pants could he." Tsunade sighed as sunk back into her seat.

"It wasn't Naruto's fault." Sakura said surprising both Hinata and Tsunade.

"What, how is it not his fault?" Tsunade said as she leaned forward.

"I...I seduced him." Sakura said trying to avoid her master's gaze.

"Well, well that truly is a surprise." Tsunade said with another smirk on her face.

Tsunade then looked at Hinata. The poor girl looked as if she was gonna pass out any second.

"Well, I really doubt you came here just to tell me that you slept with Naruto." Tsunade said as she leaned back in her chair.

Hearing this snapped Hinata out of her stupor.

"Uh hai Tsunade-sama. We were sparring earlier, and I noticed something strange when I activated my Byakugan. It appears that Sakura can access some of the kyuubi's chakra through the mark on her arm." Hinata said making Tsunade's eyes widen.

Instantly Tsunade was on her feet, inspecting Sakura. Her hands glowed green, as she scanned through Sakura's vitals. She hovered her hands over Sakura's body, but when she came to the mark on her arm a chill ran down her spine.

"Yeah there is definately some of the kyuubi's chakra in you, but except for that you seem...wait hold on a second." Tsunade said as she hovered her hand over Sakura's stomach.

"What is it shishou." Sakura asked confused at her masters sudden exclamation.

"Uh Sakura have you been feeling well lately?" Tsunade questioned looking Sakura in the eyes.

"Um I have been feeling a little sick the last few days, but what does don't mean!" Sakura said as her eyes widened in shock.

"Yes Sakura you're pregnant, congratulations." Tsunade said with a smile on her face.

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