Chapter 26: The Final Stretch

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(5 Days Later; 11:30 p.m. Small Village Just Outside Iwagakure)

"*Sigh* Do you think they'll be finished anytime soon?" Shisui asked in an annoyed tone. Sitting to Shisui's left was Sai, and to his right sat Choji. Both shinobi had a similar look of annoyance on their face. All three of them sported a bright blush on their face, as they listened to the 'activities' happening in the room next to them. Before either Choji or Sai had a chance to speak a loud moan pierced into their room.


Konan's scream of pleasure caused all of their blushes to darken several shades. Choji was so red that Shisui thought the poor boy was going to pass out from sheer embarassment. When the screaming had died down once again, Sai cleared his throat.

"From the sounds of it they're nearing the end. Konan and Ryuuzetsu are usually the last to have a go at Naruto." Sai said, trying his best to keep his mind off what was happening in the adjacent room. Shisui was surprised to see that Sai was blushing. However after hearing what they had heard for the past two hours would even make someone as perverted as Jiraiya blush slightly. As if on cue another scream of ecstasy was heard, this time from Ryuuzetsu, proving Sai's point.


"Why can't he just use some Kage Bunshin, and speed all of this up?" Choji groaned, as he covered his head with a pillow.

"You heard what Naruto said. To those girls it's not the same thing if it's not coming from the original." Shisui replied, pulling out his tantō. The Uchiha then reached into his pack and pulled out a few supplies. With a light sigh, Shisui began to process of cleaning his weapon. "I give them another five minutes tops."

(In Naruto's Room)

"Oh, Naruto this is simply heavenly." Ryuuzetsu moaned, as she sunk deeper into her chair.

"Well I guess Ero-sennin did teach me a few useful things." Naruto said with a grin, sitting in front of the white-haired beauty. The blonde continued his ministrations, causing Ryuuzetsu to let out another soft moan.

"Kami, this is the best foot massage I've ever gotten." Ryuuzetsu said, as she slightly curled her toes.

"I know that bastard is the world's biggest pervert, but he sure knows how to give one hell of a massage." Anko said with a relaxed look on her face.

"No kidding, I might actually have to thank him for teaching Naruto-kun his techniques." Ino commented, as she curled and uncurled her toes.

"Tsunade-sama is lucky to have his magic hands all to herself." Tenten said, earning a pout from Naruto.

"Hey! I'm right here you know!" Naruto exclaimed, as he stopped massaging Ryuuzetsu's feet.

"Naruto..." Ryuuzetsu growled, causing the blonde's body to go stiff. "Don't. You. Dare. Stop."

"Yes Ryuuzetsu-chan." Naruto said in a dejected tone, as he got back to work.

"Oh, don't be like that Naruto." Sakura said with a small smile. "You know that no one can replace you in our eyes."

"Y-Yeah, you're the o-only person we'd want t-touching our bodies." Hinata stuttered out with a slight blush dusting across her face.

"If that pervert ever tries to lay a finger on me, I'll break his arms." Temari snarled, remembering when Jiraiya had tried to peep on her during her date with Naruto to the hot springs. "Tsunade-sama can have him all to herself, I'd much rather have you Naruto."

"Thanks girls." Naruto said with a smile, as he finished up Ryuuzetsu's massage. "I love you all."

"And we all love you." Sakura said, kissing Naruto on the cheek. "Now let's get everyone packed and ready to go. If we leave soon, we should be able to arrive in Iwa by two o'clock."

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