Gem Glow

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It was just a peaceful day in Beach City... as always.

Until... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Steven shouted, causing the floor to rumble. I stood by his side, covering my ears. "This can't be happening! This has to be a dream!" Steven said, looking away from the empty cookie cat fridge with his hands on both sides of his head.

"Lars! Lars!" Steven shouted. I moved out of the way before he could bump into me, he hugged Lars' waist as Lars held an opened box. "Please tell me I'm dreaming!" Steven pleaded, Sadie and Lars looked at him weirdly as I snickered from his behavior. How can a thirteen year old be this childish over ice cream?

"Get off me, man. I'm stocking here," Lars said, walking away as Steven's face planted in a depressed state. Sadie looked worried as I chuckled lightly, walking over to help my best friend up.

"I'm sorry, Steven. I guess they stopped making them," Sadie guessed with her arms crossed on the counter.

"Stopped making them?!" Steven repeated in shock as he looked over to the cookie cat fridge. "Why in the world would they stop making cookie cats?" Steven asked, looking over to Sadie. "They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice cream sandwhich ever made!"

"Don't they have laws for this?!" Steven shouted, getting on his knees with his arms spread out. "Steven... it's just ice cream," I told him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Lars sighed. "Listen to your girlfriend, man. Nobody buys them anymore, I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers," Lars said, putting his box down and taking out apple chips.

Steven groaned at the thought of Lion Lickers. "Not Lion Lickers!" I had to agree with that one... Lion Lickers are terrible, speaking from experience. Steven walked over to the Lion Lickers fridge.

"Nobody likes them! They don't even look like lions," Steven explained. I laughed at that one. He was right! They look deformed... "Kids these days! I'll tell you what," Steven put his fists on his hips.

"Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much. Why don't you make some with your magic belly button?" Lars mocked, laughing as he walked away.

"That's not how it works, Lars!" Steven argued, stomping his foot on the ground a bit. "Right?" Steven lifted up his shirt to reveal his big belly, squishing it towards his gem.

Steven walked over to the cookie cat fridge and sighed. "Oh, sweet cookie cats," he put his hand on the counter and closed his eyes. "With your crunchy cookie outside," Steven then began to draw a cookie cat on the foggy case. "Your icy creamy inside," his eyes started to water a little.

"You were too good for this world," Steven put his forehead to the case and kissed it. I rolled my eyes at his weird actions.

"Uh... Steven?" Sadie started, looking at the weird Steven who was hugging the fridge. "Do you want to take the freezer with you?" Sadie offered. It's obvious that he wouldn't say no to that. Steven pouted his lower lip and nodded slowly.

We both left the Big Donut with Steven holding the freezer on his back. "Need any help?" I asked Steven with my hands behind my back. He simply shook his head. I sighed... all of this because of an ice cream.

Steven began to hum happily, and we made our way to the temple

"Hey guys!" Steven said, opening up the front door. "You won't believe it!" Steven shouted as a big... green monster with a mouth in its eye went on top of him, attacking him.

"Steven!" I shouted, kicking off the monster. Amethyst wrapped her whip around the centipeetle I kicked and held a peace sign. "Sup Steven, Y/N," Amethsyt said, flinging the centipeetle across the house.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now