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Hello, and welcome to... well, the summary of episode 24 since I won't be doing it. The reason why I won't be doing it is because one, I don't want to. Two, I really want to get onto episode 25 and get to the good parts. Three, Y/N won't be with Steven and Connie during their little conversation and usually Y/N is the type to not want to remember horrible things that happened, so the whole point of the plot would be a total *blows raspberries* in this fanfic.

But, here's the summary!


Y/N is on the couch, thinking about her mom and stuff. 'Maybe, one day, I'll be as good as the gems say she was'. And. 'Maybe, I'll find out the truth'. You know, being the truth seeker she is.

That's until Steven comes in, screaming in excitement. He explains what happened with Connie and him, telling her that he has healing spit. Y/N doesn't believe it but plays along to make him happy. Steven then thinks of the possibilities, like what he can do with his healing spit and more.


That's it. I told you the plot of the episode would not be able to fit if the whole episode that I am rewriting is just two paragraphs, or even more if we're including dialogue.

But, anyway, episode 25 will be coming out soon. I can't guarantee you that it'll be published today or even tomorrow, but I would love to hope that I'll write it sometime soon.

I love you, and thank you so much for taking the time to read this silly fanfic! Goodbye, and have an amazing afternoon/morning/night!

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