Monster Buddies

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


We were inside some snowy cave. Steven and I were wearing jackets since it was a cold area, and we didn't want to catch a cold. The ice monster thing roared as Garnet pushed it to the wall, making a crack.

"All right, everyone," Garnet said as we got ready to attack it. "One more attack should do it," Pearl assured as icicles fell from the ceiling. The ice monster's arm fell off.

"Yikes! Your arm!" Steven said, holding onto his arm. Garnet raised her gauntlet and jumped up and at the ice monster, making it fall back down towards the wall, breaking it again. It then screamed as it fell apart before poofing.

Pearl ran up and took the gem that was about to fall before bubbling it and sending it off to the basement. "Go, team!" I cheered. "Now there's nothing standing between us and the shooting star," Pearl told us.

Garnet landed in front of us as Amethyst noticed the shaky ceiling. "This job is really dangerous," Amethyst said  as blocks of ice fell on top of her. "Whoa! Geez! Wha - whoa, mama!" Amethyst said, covering herself.

"Amethyst!" Steven and I shouted as we rushed over. "Don't worry, I'll get you out," Steven said. "Me too!" I agreed. Amethyst tried to talk beneath the ice blocks, but it was muffled.

I looked up and saw more icicles falling from the ceiling. "We've got to get them out of here!" Pearl shouted, dragging my attention to her. Garnet rushed over to us, catching our attention.

"I'm sending you two back to the temple," Garnet told us. "But, Garnet, how are you gonna -" Before Steven could complete what he was saying, Garnet bubbled the two of us.

"What?!" I shouted in shock as I looked around. Woah, she actually bubbled us! "You can bubble us?" Steven asked, also looking around. Garnet held us up.

"Garnet, no!" Pearl shouted, rushing over. Before Pearl could tell Garnet not to, Garnet already sent us off. We were spinning around in some room. We were both screaming like crazy from fear.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" We screamed before entering the basement. "Whoa! We're back inside the temple," Steven said as he gained balance once more. "This is awesome!" I said, looking at the different bubbled gems. Steven looked at the one we defeated before.

He chuckled once he saw it. "Look at you now, stuck in a bubble," Steven. teased. "Yeah, well, so are we," I reminded him, making him hum and think of ways to get us out of the bubble.

"Let me see if I can..." Steven tried to separate parts of the bubbles and push them apart. Which somehow work. "Yeah!" He cheered before the two of us fell on the floor.

Well, I did. Steven landed on a bubble. I gasped. "Steven! What if it -" Before I could continue my saying, the bubble popped. Just as expected. Garnet's gonna be so mad!

"Huh? Oh, man. What's happening?!" Steven asked as he sat up and looked at the thing that was now glowing. Wait... that's a centipeetle gem! Oh no, we just popped a bubble that kept the centipeetle safe!

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now