Giant Woman

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


Amethyst and Pearl sat on the ground, playing a game of checkers. I sat next to Steven, who was sitting down on a lifeguard chair (I was on the ground).

Amethyst was thinking about how she should play for this round (she was soaked in water). She moved a black checker diagonally from a red checker.

"Ha! Take that!" Amethyzt said, pointing at Pearl. Oh, please tell me they won't argue... "Wow, Amethyst. I'm impressed," Pearl complimented, wait what.

Steven splashed Pearl with a water balloon, making me flinch once again. "Now it's your move, Pearl," Steven said. Steven decided that whenever it's an opponent's turn, they'd get splashed with a water balloon since taking turns is important.

"Steven, are the water gallons really necessary?" Pearl asked, looking at Steven with a finger under her chin. I nodded in agreement. "I seriously don't see the point," I added on.

"Yeah! This way, the moves really matter," Steven explained, holding up a water balloon. "But it's checkers. Every single move matters," Pearl said, matter-of-factly.

"It sounds like someone's being a sore loser," Amethyst teased, twirling a strand of hair with her finger. I sighed... here it comes.

Pearl groaned as she puffed out her cheeks. "I'm not a sore loser because I just won the game," Pearl said, moving a red checker and covering every single black checker there is.

"Woah..." I awed. She's really good. "Whaaaaa?" Amethyst stretched out the word as she looked at the board in shock. "Here it comes," Amethyst said, allowing Steven to throw the water balloons.

Steven threw all of the water balloons on Amethyst, making her laugh and lay down. "Ahh, it feel good to lose," Amethyst said, sitting up.

Pearl cleared her throat and stood up with her arms crossed. "I certainly hope that's not the attitude you have during battle," Pearl said.

Amethyst sighed and stood up with a hand on her hip. "You're no fun anymore. This is why we never form Opal," Amethyst said. Opal? Who's that?

"We don't form Opal because you're difficult and a mess," Pearl told Amethyst, pointing at her with each name she calls her. Amethyst put her forehead on Pearl's. "We don't form Opal because you're uptight and -" Before Amethyst could continue her insults, Steven cut her off.

"Guys! Guys!" Steven said, getting in between them. "What is Opal?!" He asked. I stood up and stood next to Steven. "Yeah, and what do you mean from?" I asked.

"Oh, it's the two of us mashed together," Amethyst said, crossing her fingers with her other fingers. "Is water just 'hydrogen and oxygen' mashed together?" Pearl asked, rolling her eyes.

"Uhm... huh?" I asked. Steven and Amethyst also seemed confused. "Analogy wasted. Look here, Steven and Y/N," Pearl said, moving the board aside and sitting on her knees.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now