Glowing Again/Arcade Mania

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Are the crystal gems
They always save the day
Although I get in their way..
They love me anyway
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven!


We were walking in this mysterious crystal area, Garnet leading us. We were supposed to be stealthy, but Steven wasn't really... quiet.

His poofy jacket kept making noise. "Shh. This way," Garnet shushed. More rustling was heard from Steven, which angered Pearl.

"Ugh, Steven! This is a stealth mission. You're making too much noise! Take off that jacket," Pearl whisper-shouted at Steven. "Uh, but I don't want to catch a cold!" Steven explained.

"Then why are you still wearing sandals?" Pearl asked as Steven hugged himself. "It's not even that cold," I said, crossing my arms. I wasn't wearing a jacket since I didn't think it was necessary, I was right.

"I can be quiet, see?" Steven proved as he spread his arms out wide. "Stealth."

"We're getting close," Garnet told us, fixing her visors. "Come on, then," Pearl instructed as we continued walking. Amethyst nudged me and laughed quietly. "Watch this," she whispered.

Amethyst imitated rustling noises, pretending as if Steven was making them with his jacket. I tried not to laugh as I covered my mouth. "Amethyst!" Steven said, looking back.

"Steven!" Pearl scolded. "It wasn't me!" Steven tried to reason. "Amethyst, you're making me look ba-" Before Steven could continue what he was saying, a rock he stood on cracked and broke, making Steven fall.

Steven screamed as he tried gaining balance. "Steven!" Pearl whisper-shouted. "Stealth," Steven said. Nope, not today, buddy. He fell into who knows where.

"That's the end... of Steven Universe... farewell..." I said, wiping a non-existent tear. We noticed Garnet wasn't beside us anymore.

We heard scraping as some weird crystal monster jumped in front of Garnet and Steven. The monster started to shoot some blue sharp things at them.

"Steven!" Pearl, Amethyst, and I shouted as we jumped down. They landed as I landed on my butt. Ow...

"Stay back," Garnet said, putting Steven down. "Come on, poofy. Sit next to, frosty," Amethyst said, picking Steven up.

"What about Garnet?" Steven asked as the monster kept attacking Pearl and Garnet. It roared and stretched its arms, trying to grab the two of them.

Thankfully, Garnet dodged and climbed onto one of its arms and ran up to the monster. "Go, Garnet! Go!" Steven cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

The monster tried pushing Garnet off, but Garnet was able to hit the defense and flip, landing at the bottom of the monster. The arms of some weird starfish, flower thingy tried slapping at her.

She skillfully moved her arms and dodged each of its arms. She grabbed onto one of the arms, pulled it closer, summoned a gauntlet, and punched it straight in the middle.

It started to glow but then ripped a part. "Wow," Steven awed. The sharp blue things were everywhere now. Garner walked over to us with the gem in a bubble.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now