Coach Steven

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


We warped into some cool, magical place. It was all blue with a lot of pillars, which Pearl said we needed to destroy. I'm not sure why, though. I mean, why not leave it alone? It's not really doing anything.

"Whoa! What magical place of mysteries is this?" Steven asked with his fingers up to his cheeks. Amethyst tried to explain, but Pearl interrupted her by putting a hand on Amethyst's head.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked. This was once a communication hub for gem kind. But lately, it's begun transmitting bursts of electromagnetic interference," Pearl explained. Steven looked around, chewing on the strings of his jacket.

"What's that mean?" Steven asked. "It's hurting television," Garnet explained, putting her hands on her hips. "No! I'll save you, television! Hyah!" Steven said, grunting as he tried to push a pillar.

Amethyst quickly came and picked him up. "Sorry, but we need a Steven at least -" She shapeshifted into a muscular Steven, holding Steven with one hand. "- This strong for this job," Amethyst said with a deep voice.

Steven gasped and looked at Amethyst with stars in his eyes. "It's all the me I could be!" Steven said in awe. I'm so glad you aren't like that, I prefer you like this.

Amethysy, or strong Steven, put Steven down and flexed his (her) muscles before punching the pillar. A rock came out of it, which Pearl caught. Amethyst shapeshifted back.

"Amethyst, we could be here all day taking out each of these pillars individually," Pearl said. It's more like our whole entire life. Amethyst groaned. "I hate it when you're right. You get this look on your face," Amethyst said before looking at Pearl.

Pearl had a huge smile on her face. "Yeah, that's the one," Amethyst said. "How are we going to do this if there's so many?" I asked with my hands behind my back. "What we need is a well-thought-out plan," Pearl said, trying to make a hologram with her pearl.

Garnet spoke, which made Pearl stop trying to make a hologram. "No. What we need is Sugilite. Amethyst, fuse with me," Garnet said. "What?!" Pearl and Amethyst said at the same time... but in a different tone.

"WOAH! A NEW FUSION?!" I exclaimed with a huge grin on my face. Amethyst squealed and laughed as she ran over to Garnet, holding her hand. "Yeah! Let's mash it up! Bigger! Badder! Better!" Amethyst said, spinning around and laughing maniacally.

"Hold your horses!" Steven stopped Amethyst's cheering. "Areeeeee, you guys going to become a gem fusion?" Steven asked, pointing at them. Amethyst screamed happily.

The two of them screamed together. "Wait!" Pearl shouted, stopping their cheering. Pearl looked at Garnet and put her hands in the air. "Garnet, think about this. You and Amethyst can be a little... eheh... unstable when your personalities combine. We need to be careful. Fuse with me instead," Pearl suggested.

Garnet put a hand on Pearl's shoulder. "We don't need to be careful. We just need to be huge," Garnet said before walking away. Amethyst got back to her cheering. "Oh, yeah! Let's wreck this joint!" Amethyst said as she walked behind Garnet.

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