Who Am I?/Cat Fingers

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven!


I opened the door to my house, looking for my aunt. How could I just... glow? I've never done anything like that, and it's abnormal for humans.

"Aunt a/n? (Aunt name, author note will be w/n which is writers note)." I walked up the stairs and looked at her closed office door. I heard my aunt talking on the phone.

I pressed my ear against the door to listen in. "I don't know what to do with her. She can't go to school, she isn't like other kids! I told you about this before," my aunt said. I'm not like other kids? What makes her say that?

"No, she's not like those... crystal gems. She got this from her mother's side, not my brother's. I'm not completely sure, I was there when my brother introduced me to Lolite," my aunt. Lolite? My mom?

"She isn't a human being. My brother was being stupendous and decided to marry a... a... alien! Now, Y/N is all mixed up going left to right from family genes! That's what I'm stuck on," my aunt continued. AN ALIEN?!

I covered my mouth before I could audibly gasp. My mom was an alien...? Crystal gems are mostly referred to as aliens... did my mom used to be a gem?

"I'm not sure what's going on with this alien-gem stuff. All I know is that this affected their child! Because of this, their fate was chosen, and her mother knew about it! My brother used to be best friends with this guy who used to be a rockstar... I think his name is Greg Universe. Greg did the same thing as my brother but married Rose earlier than d/n (dad's name). That's why Steven is a half-gem!"

...Am I... am I gem too...? No, I couldn't be. I don't even have a gem. How can I be a crystal gem if I don't have a gem? Well, I guess I didn't get her genes and maybe my father's only! It's still surprising that my mom was a crystal gem... Lavender Quartz.

I feel like one of the gems would know about this.

I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to step in to her office and confront her about keeping this from me. I know she said I'd find out sooner or later, but this was too much to bear secret!

I opened the door quietly, looking down as my bangs casted shadows on my face. "N- Y/N?! Hold on, I'll call you back," my aunt exclaimed, ending the call.

"What are you doing in here? When did you come back home? You know better than to come in my office when the door is closed -" "I know," I cut my aunt off.

My eyes began to water as I bit back a sob. "What do you mean...?" my aunt nervously said. "I know about my mom, I know about her. Lolite..." I told her, looking up as tears streamed down my face.

My aunt stayed silent. I grit my teeth. "How... how could you hide the fact my mom was a gem?!" I shouted, throwing my fist against the wall next to me. My aunt flinched.

"And you don't even know what I am. I'm not a half-gem like Steven, I'm not a gem like Mom, I'm not even a human like Dad. WHAT AM I?!" I shouted, tears streaming down. It was impossible to stop them now.

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