You Know Her?/Bubble Buddies

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W/N: Sorry! Short chapter again because I want to get to the good episodes as quickly as I can so that I can explain more about Lolite! Thanks for your patience, btw.

Now playing...

We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven!


After I explained to Pearl about the whole that happened between my aunt and I (late at night, Amethyst and Garnet were in their temples as Pearl allowed me to enter hers since Steven's bedroom was visible to all and he might hear something). I said my mom's name, and she immediately covered her mouth, eyes wide open.

"What... say her name again?" Pearl asked, shaking her head and putting her hands down, hoping to regain focus. "Lolite," I repeated. She looked at me with a serious face.

"... Y/N, you're her daughter...?" Pearl asked me for confirmation. I nodded my head hesitantly. Pearl suddenly got up. "Y/N, Garnet and Amethyst need to know about this. Believe me, they'll know what to do," Pearl told me.

I got up, too. "But.. you told me you wouldn't tell anyone!" I argued back, saddened eyes. "I know, but this is a serious topic. The fact your mother used to be... maybe even still is... friends with Steven's mom, it just... it just doesn't make sense," Pearl told me.

"I know that... All right, I trust you," I said, giving Pearl a weak smile. She smiled back and dragged me down the waterfall to Amethyst's room.


Once we arrived inside Amethyst's temple, Pearl scrunched her nose and looked around. "I just organized this place! How does someone mess something up so quickly?!" Pearl asked.

"I know that voice... Pearl -" Amethyst turned the corner and looked at me. "Whoa, you allowed her inside the temple? That's pretty rare," Amethysf said, putting a hand on her hip.

"Amethyst... we need to get Garnet," Pearl said, putting her fists up. "What for?" Amethyst put her hands up slightly. "It's about Y/N and... I'll tell you once we get Garnet. Remember, Steven isn't allowed to know anything about this," Pearl reminded her,

Amethyst nodded. "Doesn't Garnet have like future vision?" Amethyst said, wiggling her fingers. My eyes widened. "Future vision?" I repeated in shock.

"Yeah, pretty cool, right?" Amethyst asked. I nodded in agreement. "Does Steven know?" I asked, looking at Pearl and Amethyst.

"Not yet, Garnet's planning on telling him some day. But let's focus on finding her. Maybe she already knows about what we want to do," Pearl said, putting a finger on her chin in thought.

"Okay, we going out then," Amethyst said, opening up her door only to see Garnet standing outside of it. I jumped back slightly from fear. "Dang... don't scare me like that, Garnet," I said, putting a hand on my chest.

I began to glow a faded purple without even realizing it. My body began to ache. "Wha... AGH!" I screamed, forgetting about Steven.

"In my temple, now!" Garnet said, opening up her temple door and dragging us in before Steven could wake up. Once the door was closed, I fell to my knees and held my stomach in pain as my eyes watered. My body flashed purple to normal. I let out a blood curling scream.

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