Laser Light Cannon

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven!


How can you describe a perfect day? Well, for me, it's running with Amethyst and Steven with the sunset behind us all the way to get fry bits

It's pretty adorable how Steven doesn't want to order off the menu. He just made something new: fry bits.

"Hey, Fryman," Steven greeted, finally stopping once we arrived at the window. He put his two hands down on the counter. "Give me the bits!" Steven demanded with a grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes at his demanding tone. He really should stop pressuring them to make fry bits.

"Steven, we're closed," Fryman told us, putting up the We're Closed! Sign. "Aww, what?" Steven said, sadly.

"It's all right, let's just come back another time-" Before I could continue my sentence, Amethyst cut me off as she slammed her fists on the counter.

"Give him the bits!" Amethyst demanded, causing Steven to catch on with her demands. They both started slamming their fists on the counter as they chanted the bits.

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