Tell Me More!/Steven and the Stevens

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


The gems brought us to some weird sea thingy with a bunch of hourglasses. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at the weirdly shape hourglasses that are scattered on tables.

Steven and I looked around together. Since I didn't know where to go, I followed him. Steven looked at some small orb thingy. "Hey! How 'bout this one here?" He asked.

Pearl walked over to see the thing we were looking at. "What one?" She asked. "This little one, it's adorb-able," Steven said, crouching down a little. I put a hand on his head and looked at Pearl.

"Steven, the legendary Glass of Time won't be nearly so small and insignificant. It'll be beautiful and grand, like this one!" Pearl said, looking at an hourglass that was huge and beautiful. "Wow..." I awed as I looked at the hourglass with stars in my eyes.

"I think it's this one," Garnet said, looking at the biggest hourglass of them all. Steven, Pearl, and I walked over to Garnet and looked at the hourglass. "That's big..." I said, leaning back a little to look at it clearly.

"Whoa..." Steven awed. "You mean the biggest one? How are we even supposed to get that back to the warp pad?" Pearl asked Garnet, making a point. "I can carry it," Garnet said, grinning as she cracked her knuckles.

"Wait! We need to be careful which one we touch! You remember what happened last time we were here," Pearl said, putting a hand on Garnet's shoulder and arm.

"What happened?" Steven asked, looking at Pearl. "Hey, guys. I'm making the call, and it's this janky one here!" Amethyst said, picking up some weird-looking hourglass and showing it to us.

"Amethyst!" Pearl shouted as the area began to shake, causing us to gasp. "Uh... Nope, it wasn't," Amethyst said, looking at the hourglass she picked up. On top of us, water began to spill. Garnet grabbed Steven and rolled over to the side. "Look out!" Garnet said.

Pearl jumped next to Garnet as I ran with them so that I wouldn't drown in the pool of water that was spilling. "We don't have much time," Garnet told Pearl, setting Steven down.

"Amethyst, come on!" Pearl shouted. Steven then began running back. "Steven!" Garnet and I shouted. "W-where do you think you're going?!" Pearl asked Steven.

"Amethyst gets to keep hers!" Steven said. "Darn tootin'!" Amethyst shouted as she ran over to us. "I'm gonna get the one I picked out!" Steven shouted with a grin on his face.

"Steven! You'll probably die if you don't get back here!" I shouted, the water spilling even more. "Steven!" Pearl and Garnet shouted. We all ran to the warp pad and waited for Steven.

Steven held it and put it in his pocket. "Steven, come on!" Pearl shouted as a rock fell from on top of us, I flinched from the big splash. "I'm a-comin!" I'm a-comin!" Steven shouted as he ran towards us.

All the windows broke and poured in, almost crashing Steven down. Steven paused once he heard it. I covered my mouth as Pearl laughed, anxious because Steven might drown.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now