Rose's Room

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


"This is it, folks. Rookie sensation Steven Universe readies his last spoonful of Kernel's Classic Creamed Corn," Steven said, bringing the spoon up in front of his mouth.

"As the crowd waits with bated breath, one bite between him and destiny," He said, dramatically, before eating the spoonful and swallowing it. "And he's done it! He's eaten five cans of Creamed Corn!" Steven cheered, spinning around on his stool.

"That's great, Steven," I said, looking at my phone. Well, specifically my aunt's number. I thought I had blocked her, but I guess I didn't. I sort of feel bad for the way I left her. And the fact that I didn't go back for a while... she must be worried.

I struggled with the idea of texting her or not texting her. The gems came out of Pearl's temple. "Good afternoon, you two," Pearl greeted with a hand up. "Hey..." I said.

"Guys, check this out!" Steven said, taking all of the empty cans of Creamed Corn and walking up to them. "Stu-man in the house. Whatcha got? Whatcha got?" Amethyst asked with her hands on her hips.

My aunt hasn't texted me ever since... at least two or three weeks ago. I tapped my phone a little, debating with myself. "I got five empty cans of Colonel Kernel's Classic Creamed Corn," Steven said, showing a can to them.

"Cool," Garnet said. "Yeah. And, on the back are $5 coupons for mini golf. I ate five cans so that we could all go together," Steven admitted. Oh, I thought he did it because he was bored and hungry.

"That's so thoughtful, Steven. Unfortunately, though, uh..." Pearl said, not sure how to put what she wanted to say in an easy way for him. "We got to go on a mission," Amethyst said, shrugging. Plot twist.

"What? Not again!" Steven said, dropping the cans. I flinched from the loud sound. "But you guys promised we'd hang out," Steven said, spreading his arms out.

"A dangerous artifact has appeared in the Northern hemisphere. We need to go retrieve it," Garnet explained to Steven, walking over to the warp pad. "But mini golf is so much fun! There's castles and windmills and I like it and - oh, look! Look what I brought!" Steven said before running over to the table, where I sat on the couch.

"I pulled out my dad's old clubs and also found a pair of his old golf pants. They're a little big on me, but you can wear them, Garnet," Steven said, holding up a pair of big pants.

I covered my mouth so that it wasn't obvious I was laughing. Steven, why'd you say it so casually? Pearl and Amethyst chuckled as they looked at Garnet. Garnet looked at Steven with a straight face as Steven smiled at her.

The three of them got on the warp pad. "See ya, buddies," Amethyst said, waving. "We'll bring you two something back," Pearl said before warping away. Steven stood there before flopping on his back on the ground.

"Well, you're not the only ones with a dangerous adventure to tackle. Y/N, come on, let's show them that we can deal with adventures any day!" Steven said. I groaned as I got up, hesitating to shut off my phone. I did so for Steven's sake.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now