Onion Trade/Do You Have Time?

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


I was sitting next to Amethyst outside on the porch. We were just chilling since today had nice weather. That's until we heard a familiar voice. "Amethyst?" Steven called out from inside the temple.

"Outside, dude," Amethyst replied. I sighed as Steven came out. "Have you seen Ranger Guy?" Steven asked with a toy in his hand. I sat up from the chair and looked at the toy and back at him.

"Excuse me?" Amethyst said. "What's a Ranger Guy?" I asked Steven. "Ranger Guy. One of my guys," Steven explained. That doesn't help... Amethyst and I sat in silence.

"You know... Guys?" Steven asked, lifting the two toys that were in his hands up in the air a little to show us. Amethyst and I just blinked at Steven, confusing floating in the air.

"G.U.Y.S! Guys, Under Your Supervision. There's Ninja Guy, Construction Guy, Cop Guy, Eye Guy, Invisible Guy, Jagged Guy, Cat Guy, Apple Guy, and my main man Ranger Guy, the best of all the guys. He's gone missing! Have you seen him?" Steven explained.

"Too many words. Not enough motivation," I said, relaxing on the chair I was sitting on. "What's that I hear? You can't find your little men? In that super junky room of yours?" Pearl asked Steven as she walked out the door.

"It's not that bad," Steven explained to Pearl. Pearl cleared her throat and opened the window. A seagull came flying out with a banana peel on its head as it carried a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"How'd that get in there?" Steven asked, shrugging. "You left your window wide open for things to just fly in and out," Pearl explained. No wonder it felt chilly that night.

"Aww, give him a break, P. My room's messy, but I always find what I'm looking for," Amethyst defended, looking proud. "Then why haven't you found my magic ax?" Pearl asked, smirking.

"I haven't looked for it yet," Amethyst explained. "Amethyst, go and find it right this second," Pearl commanded as Amethyst's eyes widened from the sudden shout.

"Hey, feel free to go look for it yourself," Amethyst said, giving permission for Pearl to go in her temple. "There's no way I'm going into that dump," Pearl shot back.

Ah, here we go again. The classic arguing between Pearl and Amethyst on a daily basis. "Pearl, all your nagging's made Steven depressed," Amethyst said as Steven walked away.

"Is everything okay, Steven?" Pearl asked, turning towards Steven. I sat up to look at Steven, who was standing on the top of the stairs. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just have to break the bad news to my dad," Steven told us, putting his hands on his hips.

"Can I come?" I asked, getting up from my seat. Please, let me come. I don't want to hear them arguing again. "Why not?" Steven said as he walked down the stairs. I walked right behind him.


We were at Greg's carwash now. "Dad?" Steven called out as we walked towards the entrance of the carwash. "Dad!" Steven called out once more, looking around the place.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now