Steven the Sword Fighter

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


It was raining outside, which meant movie night. We were watching some sort of anime movie in sub about two people just... fighting, I guess. I don't understand this movie, but it sure is entertaining when you're with the people you love.

"Oh, Lonely Blade, you so lonely," Steven said as he rested his arms and headed on Garnet's afro as Garnet held the popcorn. I sat down on the bed next to Steven and behind Pearl. Amethyst laid down on the bed, making the movie seem upside down.

Some janitor dude came out with a broom in his hand. "What?! The janitor is the evil samurai president?! That's bananas," Steven asked excitedly. "Wow, no kidding. It's sort of obvious," I said.

"Yeah, Y/N is right. It was so obvious. He's been mopping in the background of every fight scene. Look. Here he is on the cover of the box," Pearl proved, showing the box with all of the copies of each movie inside.

"Oh, yeah!" Steven said. The main character pulled out two swords from behind him and turned them into a boomerang, calling it a boomerang blade. Steven always thought it was cool, I always thought it was stupid.

The main character threw it at the janitor as the janitor jumped up with his broom in hand. The janitor began speaking in Japanese and pointed his broom at the main character.

"Go, Lonely, go!" Steven chanted with a huge grin on his face. "Do the boomerang blade again!" Steven said. "I'm confused," I said, raising my hand a little.

"Well, this whole thing is ridiculous and confusing! Just look at their form. This is nothing like real sword fighting," Pearl said, pointing it out. Garnet and Amethyst hushed Pearl.

"I mean, you don't expect them slicing at each other very much. It's a kids' movie, too... I think," I explained. Steven laughed. "Yeah, it's just a movie, Pearl!" Steven said, grabbing popcorn from the bowl in Garnet's lap.

"Well, if you ever want to see a demonstration of proper sword techniques, I'd be happy to show you," Pearl said with her eyes closed. Steven and I looked at her with stars in our eyes.

Steven moved her head to look at him. Pearl opened her eyes and looked at the two of us. "Now?" Pearl asked.



e warped into some strange arena place where Pearl stood in front of the four of us. Steven had his jacket on. "All right. In order to give a proper demonstration, I'm going to need a sparring partner," Pearl said as she held two swords.

Steven wanted to raise his hand, but Garnet put his hand down. Heh, future vision. "Luckily, I have the perfect candidate right here," Pearl said before using her gem to create something.

Pearl did a few spins before standing on her toe as she summoned a holo-pearl. "Cool! Hologram Pearl!" Steven said as he watched the two. I mentally awed at his childish behavior.

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