Tiger Millionaire and Ruthless Ruler

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(W/N) You can choose whatever wrestling name you want, I'll just be using Ruthless Ruler

Now playing...

We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven!


Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Steven, and I warped back inside the house with Pearl lecturing Amethyst. "How could you possibly think punching a blood polyp was a good idea?" Pearl asked with the back of her hands on her hips. Amethyst seemed disinterested.

"Look at all the gunk you got on me!" Pearl said, revealing just a small piece of gunk on her arm, which she flicked away. "And look at Steven."

Steven walked over to them, his body was covered in that gunk. "It's not so bad once you get used to it," Steven told them. I backed away from Steven, so none of it would get on me.

"See? He likes it," Amethyst showed Pearl. "He certainly won't like it when it hardens," Pearl argued back. "Uh, what?" Steven asked. "Steven, maybe you should wash that off..." I suggested, pointing to the sink.

"Good idea," Steven said, rushing over to the sink. "He shouldn't have been so close in the first place!" Pearl said. "How was i supposed to know they pop?" Amethyst asked.

"Uh, guys?" Steven called out. "You're always putting us in danger with your little outbursts. UGH, you are just so... childish!" Pearl told Amethyst, enraged.

Amethyst mocked her with her hand. I quickly rushed over to Steven and tried getting him out of the thing. "Yeah, yeah. Don't forget 'reckless', 'vulgar', 'loudmouth', and that's just what makes me so awesome! Right, Garnet?!" Amethyst shouted, looking at Garnet.

Garnet rubbed her forehead in annoyance. "Amethyst, you are a crystal gem. You need to act like it," Garnet said. Pearl crossed her arms as Amethyst stepped back.

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