Brush It Off/Serious Steven

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven!


It was at least midnight, I was trying to sleep, but my thoughts only kept me awake. What if Lolite isn't my mom? What if I had a different Mom who put me up for adoption or made my dad keep me...?

Then I thought back to that girl from today... or yesterday since it's midnight. I've never seen her around Beach City, and usually, there are about fifteen people here.

I sighed. She did look pretty, so I don't blame Steven for liking her. Though, it leaves me feeling sad... all those times we spent together probably meant nothing. The time we went on a mission, which made our bong greater... Wait, that's it!

I just need to persuade the gems to take us on a mission so Steven can remember how important our friendship is! I might have to wake up early tomorrow, though... Steven wakes up pretty early, and if I want to do this, I'll need to wake up at at least five or six in the morning.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and laid on the comfortable couch. Well, tomorrow will be the day... let's hope my idea works.


Steven woke up, his ears ringing as the sound of cops sirens was in the background. I tried pulling him up so he could stand up, but he didn't feel like it for some reason. Garnet stood on top of a broken shop as she looked at Steven.



Persuasion skills: WORKED! On a mission?: YES! So, my plan luckily worked, and I convinced the gems to go on a mission with the five of us.

"Pay attention, Steven and Y/N. This is going to be your first serious mission," Garnet warned as we were warping to the area. Steven was floating upside down. "You two need to be ready."

"Yes! I'm ready, I'm so ready!" Steven cheered. "Yeah!" I pumped my fist in the air. "Steven, come on, you're going to make yourself sick," Pearl lectured, making him float right side up.

His ukulele got in the way and hit Pearl in the face, which she moved. "Why did you bring that?" Pearl asked Steven, looking pissed off. "I don't know! I was excited, and it's mine, and I like it," Steven replied, shrugging.

I stifled a laugh as Steven's ukulele began to float away from him. "Whoa..." Steven awed, floating up to grab his ukulele. "Steven! Get back here!" Pearl shouted. "You could get seriously..." we warped to our destination. "...hurt!"

As the blue thing began to disappear, Steven was kicked to the side of it and fell somewhere else other than standing on the warp pad. He landed on his back in a gooey strawberry area.

He groaned as he sat up, his ukulele in hand. "Steven! Are you..." "I'm fine. I'm good, I'm just gooey," Steven cut Pearl off, and them licked the goo on his arm.

White butterflies flew and covered his eyes and two more lands on both of his arms. He began to scream and wave his hands around. "AAHHH, THEY'RE IN MY EYES!" He shouted, running around the place as the four of us stood still, worried a little.

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