Mirror Gem

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


I sat down on the couch as Steven sat in front of me, his phone was in-between us as we called Connie. "What? Why not?" Steven asked Connie with a frown on his face.

"Guys, I told you I can't hang out today. I have tennis practice," Connie explained. I squinted my eyes in confusion as Steven did the same. I crossed my legs and put my hands in my lap as I listened to her talk.

"And then Mom wants to go out for a family dinner," Connie told us. Steven leaned his head against the wall. "But she said I could hang out all day tomorrow, and I can come over all the time now that it's summer vacation," Connie explained.

"What's summer vacation?" I asked Connie through the phone. "You know, when school gets out for the summer?" Connie asked us. Oh, I've heard of school before, but I've never been there. My aunt kept her reasons secret from me. I think I know why now.

"I've never been to this - how do you say? Ssschool? How does it work?" Steven asked Connie. "It's a place where you go to learn - it's full of desks, chalkboards, books, maps..." Every time Connie listed an item, Steven would hum.

"I see..." Steven said as Connie kept going. What do they teach people at school anyway? Stuff about the diamonds? The gems? Gem stuff?


Pearl helped Steven and I get some random stuff that Connie listed when she explained what school is. All of the random stuff we got was put into a pile as Steven examined it.

"Yep, it's all coming together," Steven said as Pearl carried a desk over and placed it upside down atop an opened book on the floor. "So, how do we begin our 'school'?" Pearl asked.

I thought for a bit. Oh yeah, follow-up questions were never asked. "Uh... I... I don't know," Steven admitted. "This is everything Connie told us. Why do I never ask follow-up questions?! Who will teach little Stevie and n/n now?!" Steven asked dramatically.

Pearl gasped and threw her hands up. "Teach you?! Guys! If only I had known that's what you really wanted..." Pearl said before jumping up and doing her little thing she did when we were taking care of the moss... and when I learned about the citizens in outer space named 'Luminae'... a type of gem that had been abandoned since they didn't show a gem on them... the power came from inside of them.

I shook off that thought and saw a mirror floating in between Pearl, Steven, and I. "We found this gem-powered mirror at the galaxy warp. It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of gem history," Pearl explained as the mirror dropped into the hands of Steven.

"It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow gems and our culture," Pearl explained as Steven and I saw our reflection in the mirror. Pearl put her hands on both of our shoulders.

"We must be incredibly important to gem culture," Steven announced as he stared at our reflections in awe. Pearl scoffed. "It's just you two in there. It hasn't even been activated," Pearl told us.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now