Beach Party

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


Amethyst and Steven screamed as they fell onto the sand, Steven sliding because of the paddle board underneath him. Pearl and I landed on our feet. Honestly, I was pretty surprised I landed.

"You okay, Steven?" Pearl asked, looking behind her. "I've seen better days," Steven said, pushing himself up. "Pearl, I got a boo boo," Amethyst told Pearl.

"Oh, walk it off," Pearl replied. Aw, poor Amethyst. "You know, I'm all about having wind blown into my face. But when it comes to an abnormally large pufferfish, no thanks," I said.

"Here it comes," Garnet announced as she looked up. The pufferfish flew upwards and got ready to blow at us. "Aw, gee, this should be fun," I said sarcastically.

The pufferfish blew at us, making me take a few steps back. "You all distract it!" Garnet commanded as she jumped up into the sky. "Let's show this thing what we're made of!" Pearl said.

"What do you think we've been doing for the past hour?" Amethyst asked. She's not wrong, although I was told I couldn't show my glowing thing because of Steven, I for sure darn wanted to. I felt so useless compared to them. Even though I really can't control it very well and it comes out at random times, it's better than being useless.

Pearl threw her spear into the air, only for it to get blown away by the pufferfish. "Duck!" Pearl said as she crouched. Amethyst looked around. "Man, I don't see any d-." Amethyst noticed the spear and ducked. "Quack," She said.

"Steven's turn." Steven said as he got ready to throw the paddle board towards the pufferfish. He threw it as if it was a boomerang, and it landed on one of its spikes. Eh, at least it covered a spike up.

"Yup! It's got spikes!" Steven confirmed. Wow, no kidding. Amethyst put an arm around Steven's shoulders. "It's okay! Here comes Garnet!" Amethyst said, pointing towards Garnet, who was flying down towards the pufferfish, getting ready to punch it.

"Smash that puff!" Steven cheered as we all watched Garnet. Suddenly, the pufferfish took notice of this and quickly looked up towards Garnet, blowing her away. Garnet tried her best to keep going but lost her strength.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Garnet screamed as she flew all the way, crashing into some building. "Aw, man! We blew it!" Steven joked. I groaned in frustration. I will beat him to the core if he does not stop making these hideous jokes.

"Ugh, whatever!" Amethyst said as she ran towards the pufferfish, shape-shifting into a bat and hitting the pufferfish out into the sea. Hey, that kinda reminds me of the time she did that to a piñata.

Amethyst shapeshifted back and landed on the sand. "Amethyst! Smacking it really far away doesn't solve anything!" Pearl said as the three of us ran over to Amethyst. "We needed to destroy it. Now it's just gonna come back later," Pearl continued.

  "Yeah, so we'll deal with it later," Amethyst said, making a smart note. I nodded in agreement since I was getting pretty bored of some dumb pufferfish.

Just A Little Time... (Steven Universe x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now