So Many Birthdays

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We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
- That's why the people of this world -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


We walked around Amethyst's room, trying to find something... I forgot what it was, though. Steven held his nose as he walked ahead of us, holding a stick.

"How can you live like this?!" Pearl asked Amethyst as she closed her nostrils with both hands. "It was fine till you guys started whining," Amethyst rolled her eyes.

"Whining?! The whole temple reeks!" Pearl exclaimed. I smelt something horrendous and quickly held my nose and scrunched my face. "What's that smell...?" I asked, looking around the piles of junk in her room.

Steven also smelt it, poking at something where the smell came from with his stick. He quickly held his nose after one poke and crouched down, digging through the junk.

"I found it!" Steven shouted as he held something that smelt disgusting. "What manner of magical alloy is this?" Pearl asked dramatically.

Steven opened it up, only for a poof of a horrendous smell come out. It smelt as if a person hadn't been putting on deodorant and hadn't been showering for years!

"It's a burrito," Garnet pointed out. "It's the tuna burrito from Aqua Mexican!" Amethyst said, grabbing the burrito out of Steven's hands.

Aqua Mexican? Like the one that closed down a long time ago? "That place closed like five years ago," Steven told Amethyst. Amethyst stared at Steven before taking a bite out of the disgusting burrito.

I put a hand over my mouth and closed an eye as I furrowed my eyebrows on the verge of puking. Steven shuddered and groaned as he looked away.

"Huh? What's this?" Steven asked, looking at a portrait with the gems, including Steven's mom and three men, one being saved by Amethyst, as Garnet punched a shark.

"It kind of looks like you guys and my mom," Steven said. Great observation, genius. "Oh, Steven, that is us!" Pearl told Steven as she grabbed the picture.

"Really?" Steven asked. "The hard part was getting the shark to pose," Garnet admitted. "Huh, that's pretty cool," I complimented.

"Why's everyone dressed like old timey people?" Steven asked, pointing at the picture. "They are old timey people," Pearl said, setting the portrait down on a pile of junk.

"W-wait... But that would mean... how old are you guys?" Steven asked, raising an eyebrow. I hummed as I thought about it, too.

"Much older than any human," Pearl told us. "Does that mean you'll live forever? You don't die at all?" I asked Pearl, standing beside Steven.

"No, no. We don't age, but we can still get hurt and die," Pearl told us. Steven's happy smile turned into a big frown. Amethyst started groaning as she held onto her stomach, looking pale than before. Food poisoning... should've known.

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