Chapter 1: That Fateful Night

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Hanako just returned after a long anbu mission in the Hidden Sand village. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed with a cup of green tea and relax. Little did she know tonight would be like no other. 

She decided to pay her friend Itachi a visit at the Uchiha compound and see if he wanted to relax with her tonight. They had both been working hard on their missions and she missed having him around. 

Hanako walked towards the gates of the compound, but it was eerily silent. All she saw was a crow perched up on the fence post with a beaming red-eye. She reached down to the ground to see if she could sense any chakra. She had her father Minato's sensory abilities and was well-adept at picking up on nearby chakra simply by placing her hand to the floor. 

Normally, the Uchiha compound was overwhelming filled with chakra. This time she could only sense one person nearby, and his chakra was depleting by the minute. 

She thrust open the gate, shutting her eyes, initially worried at what she might find. She slowly open her eyes and was met with a ghastly sight. Bodies were strewn across the compound. All seemingly slashed with a katana. If she hadn't known better she wouldn't have thought there were any survivors. 

She began to run into each and every building and was met with a similar sight each time. She threw her kunai for her Flying Raijin jutsu at Itachi's house straight ahead. Please be okay. She thought. Fugaku, Mikoto, little Sasuke, Itachi. Please. 

Hanako entered the house. The smell of blood stung the air. She came across Fugaku and Mikoto's bodies laid across one another. Where is Itachi? She thought to herself. Where is Sasuke?

She ran outside focusing on her sensory abilities and followed the small amount of chakra she picked up on earlier. She saw Sasuke's small body collapsed on the pavement.

"Sasuke!" she wailed, horrified that he likely had to witness whatever happened here. He was still alive, but he was incredibly weak. He seemed to have been taken out by a powerful genjutsu. 

Hanako placed her hands on Sasuke's body and a green glow emitted from them and she began to heal what little physical injuries she could make out. She then took the boy in her arms and flashed to the leaf hospital. 


Sasuke was unconscious in his hospital bed for what seemed like forever. Hanako watched over him, making sure his condition didn't worsen. He began to mumble in his sleep, "Itachi no! Please stop hurting them! Why brother? Why?!" 

Itachi?! She gasped. He had done all this? How could he? His poor brother is absolutely traumatized. At this point, he might as well of finished the job to spare him a life of eternal suffering. 

Hanako began to feel anger stir in her chest. She felt betrayed. Itachi was a close friend. She had only seen him the day before and he seemed fine. How could he murder his entire clan? Why? She had to find out. 

Hanako flashed to the front gates of the leaf village anxious to find Itachi. She didn't know where to begin, but she didn't care. She wouldn't come back until she confronted him. She felt tears begin to fall. Just as she stepped out of the village gates she felt the cold metal of a syringe plunge into her neck and the whole world went black. 


For context, Hanako is 14, so she is one year older than Itachi on the night of the massacre.

Minato and Kushina had her when they were 16. She was raised in the foundation because the third hokage didn't want Minato to take time away from his training to raise a baby. 

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