Chapter 23: Honeymoon? 🍋

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Itachi insisted on carrying Hana bridal style all the way home.

"You're sick Itachi, put me down" Hana said, pathetically swatting at his back. 

"You are my wife and I will carry you as I see fit" Itachi said firmly. 

Hana rolled her eyes at him. If she knew one thing, it was that Uchiha men had a flair for the dramatics. 


Uchiha men single-handedly caused the sassy man apocalypse I fear.

"Whatever" she said. She humoured him for a while longer and let him get at least outside of the view of the wedding guests before flashing them back home.

"Wow, babe you're so fast" Hana said. "We're already home."

"You little shit, you're gonna pay for that" Itachi said, opening the front door with one hand and carrying her inside. He didn't stop until he reached the bedroom. He placed Hana down gently on the mattress, keeping in mind her pregnancy. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so gentle. 

"I'm sorry we can't have a proper honeymoon" Itachi said. Neither of them wanted to risk travelling far since Hana was expecting.

"Now, whose fault is that?" Hana joked, rubbing her baby bump with her palm. "Babe you know none of that matters to me. Just being with you is all I could ever need to be happy."

"Well, let's at least pretend we're somewhere nice" Itachi said. He activated his sharingan and lulled Hana into a genjutsu. He reached over to the curtain and pulled it back and all Hana could see was a beach paradise outside the window. 

"Oh it's beautiful" she said, quietly. 

"The least I can do for my wife" Itachi said, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Uchiha Hanako. I'll never get used to that."

"I love it" Hana said. "And I love you."

"I love you more" Itachi said, closing the distance between them and connecting their lips. 

They kissed for a while taking things slowly now. This would be their first night together as a married couple and it never felt so right. 

Itachi was a lot more careful with Hana now that she was moving along in her pregnancy, so Hana took the liberty of making the next move. She untucked the bottom of his shirt and ran her fingers up and down his toned abdomen. She moved her fingers back down and began tracing his v line towards his centre. 

"Take this off for me" she mumbled, and Itachi obeyed, undoing the buttons of his shirt. Itachi removed his shirt and blazer and remained shirtless in front of Hana. 

"So handsome" she said, reconnecting their lips. 

Itachi blushed at her words and kissed her back being sure to bite her lower lip. She groaned against his lips and felt his now hardened cock press firmly against her thigh. 

"How did I get so lucky?" Itachi said, helping Hana out of her dress until only her undergarments remained. 

Hana grabbed at his pants and he helped her by removing them. 

Itachi put his lips against her neck and began nibbling her sweet spot. 

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Soon Itachi's cock was freed from the confines of his underwear and Hana couldn't help, but stare eagerly. Itachi helped her remove her undergarments until they were both naked. He leaned forward and planted several kisses on her stomach before trailing his lips lower. 

His lips found their way to her inner thighs and he kissed upwards until he met her clit. He began sucking and licking hungrily at it and Hana couldn't help but let sounds of pleasure escape her lips. 

"You make such pretty noises for me" Itachi hummed, before continuing to pleasure her.

"Feels. So. Good" Hana barely managed to get out at he absolutely ravaged her pussy. 

Itachi's tongue trailed lower and dipped inside her briefly before returning to her clit. Two of his long fingers found their way to her entrance and curved inside, pumping her walls as he stimulated her clit. 

"Oh Itachi, I'm gonna cum" Hana cried, feeling herself let go not long after. 

"So beautiful when you say my name" he murmured, as he lined his cock up with her entrance. 

Hana was in missionary, which was basically the only comfortable position  during the pregnancy. She felt heat growing between her legs just anticipating the feeling of her husband's cock.

He pushed into her grunting as he did, and she let out a gasp as she felt herself become filled completely. 

Itachi began thrusting into her and she let herself moan, unrestricted, just enjoying the feeling of being stuffed by him. 

"That's it baby, let it all out" Itachi groaned, changing the rhythm to ensure he got as deep as possible.

"You fill me so well" she cried out, her pussy clenching all around his unforgiving cock.

"Shit" he groaned. "Always so tight."

Hana clawed at his back and Itachi reached down to play with her clit as he picked up the pace.

"Oh fuck" she moaned, feeling herself cumming. 

"Good girl" Itachi said, lowly. "Cum for me."

"I'm cumming" Hana cried, feeling herself grow even wetter as she hit her high. 

"Yes, fuck yes baby" Itachi moaned loudly as he began to find his high. "I'm gonna cum."

She felt his pace slow as he released into her. He let out a couple more thrusts to ensure he emptied himself fully before pulling out of her. 

"My beautiful wife" Itachi said, kissing her lightly on the lips. 

Hanako saw Itachi clutch his chest and his breath began to hitch. He ran off to the bathroom and she could hear his coughs. He sounded like he was gasping for air. He heart dropped hearing him like this. She couldn't even run over to him because her pregnancy made it quite a task just to roll off the bed. 

Itachi seemed to be coughing more and more. His lung disease was definitely worsening, but Hana couldn't bare to think about what the potential consequences that could have in the future. All she could be grateful for was spending time with the man she loved while she still could. She touched her stomach and felt her heart break at the thought of Itachi not being able to meet his sons. That wasn't going to happen. She had to keep telling herself that. Itachi would be able to meet their sons and they'd be able to live as a family, even if just for a little while. 

"Baby?" she called out, her voice soft and timid. 

"I'm okay, angel" Itachi called back. She could hear him rinsing out his mouth, trying to free it from the taste of blood. 

Itachi returned to the bed and laid behind Hana, spooning her. He placed his hands atop hers on her belly. 

"I can't wait to meet them" he said, cuddling up into her. 

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