Chapter 14: Reunited

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"Hana." Hana felt herself get shaken slightly as she heard a familiar voice call her name. She finally felt consciousness return to her as both her eyes fully opened. 

"Kakashi" she said softly. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do" Kakashi said. He picked up Hana's limp body from the ground and carried her in his arms. 

"I missed you too" she mumbled. Kakashi began gliding in the air with her in his arms. Luckily, night had fallen by the time he found her, so it was easier to sneak her into the village. Kakashi discreetly made it back to his home and placed Hana gently on his bed. "Don't move" he said.

Kakashi ran into the kitchen and grabbed her a glass of water and a handful of food pills. He reentered the room to find her in the same weak state, unmoved. He handed her a food pill and she chewed it quickly. He held the glass of water to her lips and she took a sip. 

"Now, I think you owe me an explanation" he said. 

"I know you were there when I was with Pain" she said. "What did you hear, so I know when to begin?"

"I heard you trigger the kotoamatsukami and everything from there" he said. 

"Did you sniff me out?" she asked. 

"You know me so well" Kakashi said. "I was reading Icha Icha on the edge of the village when I thought I caught your scent. So I tracked you. And, there you were." 

"I figured as much" Hana said. "Well, where do I begin.."

Hana told Kakashi about how she was blackmailed into joining the akatsuki. She told him how she acquired Shisui's eye, how she discovered the truth behind the Uchiha massacre, and her and Itachi's plan to stop the akatsuki and the fourth great ninja war.

"That must be a heavy burden to bear" Kakashi commented after listening intently. "Well, that explains your sharingan. It suits you, to be honest."

"There's something you should know...Tobi, the true leader of the actually Obito Uchiha. He possesses a singular sharingan. I've seen it. It's him, Kashi."

Hana filled him in on all the intel she gathered from Obito. Kakashi looked understandably shocked. The very friend he was grieving every day since his alleged death was alive the entire time. He was alive and was planning on destroying the world. 

He was at a loss for words. What happened to the young boy who wanted to be Hokage all those years ago? He felt at though his heart was being ripped from his chest. What a grave betrayal. He couldn't even fathom it. 

After a long silence Kakashi only asked one thing, "How will you stop him?"

Hana then explained her plan to use Shisui's jutsu on him. It was successful with Pain, which he witnessed back in the forest. She would simply have to find the opportunity to use it on Obito to avert the damage he planned to cause. But, to do so she had a minimum 24 hour window before she was able to use it again. 

"Well, it is a great relief that you and Itachi aren't actually traitors of the leaf" Kakashi began. "I will do everything in my power to help you complete your goals. Please use me at your disposal."

"I missed you so much Kakashi, you don't even understand" Hana muttered as she wrapped her arms around the join's neck. He returned the hug and squeezed her tightly. "Oh, I completely understand" he said. 

Kakashi pulled away from the hug and stared at Hana in the eyes. "I missed you so much, Namikaze." 

"I should tell you, Kakashi. Itachi and I are together. We're a couple" she said. 

"Finally" he said. "I was waiting for you to get together ever since anbu days. Is he good to you?" he asked. 

"He's amazing" Hana said. 

"Then I'm nothing but beyond happy for you two" Kakashi said with a smile that went to his eyes. "He has good taste" he said quieter. 

If Kakashi had any resentment towards Hana and Itachi's relationship, he was good at hiding it. He did seem genuinely happy for them, and knowing his character he was. Kakashi was the type who would rather let someone he loved live happily even if it was without him by their side. He wished this sort of happiness upon Hana, although she was ignorant to his true feelings. 

"Well, then it's my job to keep you safe until you can use your sharingan again" Kakashi said as he pulled away. "Did you want to see you brother?" he asked. 

"As much as I love Naruto, I'm afraid he won't be able to keep quiet when I reveal I'm not actually a traitor for the leaf" Hana said. 

"I understand where you're coming from" Kakashi said. "Alright, I will keep your presence here a secret as best as I can. Now, get some rest. You can have my bed, and I'll take the couch." 

Hana nodded appreciatively. "Thank you Kakashi" she whispered as he closed the bedroom door behind him. "Thank you so much." 

The 24 hours passed faster than Kakashi would like to admit. Of course, this was good because it meant Hana would be able to stop risking exposure in the leaf village. He was risking his and her arrest by harbouring a fugitive. On the other hand, he dearly missed her and wanted to cherish every chance he had with her. He knocked on his bedroom door and heard a small "come in" from the other side. 

"How are you?" Kakashi asked. Hana looked a lot better. The food pills and rest seemed to help a lot. 

"I'm good. My chakra reserves are almost fully restored" she said. 

"Let's get you out of here" Kakashi said. 

Hana and Kakashi left his house trying to go unnoticed until they made it to the border of the leaf village. Hana took it upon herself to use her transformation jutsu to change her attire. Nothing more suspicious than if a leaf jonin gets caught walking alongside a akatsuki member. She dawned a jonin uniform not to draw attention to herself and kept her sharingan concealed. They could see the clearing that led to the gate of the leaf village up ahead.

"Kakashi!" a voice bellowed. Hana saw a man walking on his hands wearing a bright green jumpsuit. "My eternal rival! Race me right now!" 

"Oh Guy, hello" Kakashi said laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head. "I'm afraid I won't have time today."

"Why? If I do not face my rival, how will I improve? Is it because of-oh who's this?" Guy said, his attention turning to Hana. 

"Just a friend of mine" Kakashi said trying to be as unspecific as possible. 

"Oh..well hi! She is positively brimming with youth! Of course my eternal rival would only keep motivated people by his side. Well, I'm off to finish my 500 laps around the village. See you!" Guy lifted one of his hands from the ground and waved at Hana and Kakashi before he was on his way. 

"Whew, that was close" Kakashi said. "We're lucky it was Guy." 

"He seems familiar" Hana said. "Does he have a son?" 

"He doesn't, but he does have a student he is particularly fond of..Rock Lee. They don the same jumpsuit."

"Ah! That's right. I've seen him with the Hyuga kid, Neji, and another girl" Hana recalled. 

"Yes, that's Guy's team. He may seem unorthodox, but he's an incredible ninja" he said. 

Hana smiled "I can tell he means a lot to you."

"He does. Alright, I got you out of the village. Now, please stay safe. If you need me, please flash to me and I'll return with you no questions asked to provide backup" Kakashi said. 

"Thank you Kakashi. I'm lucky to have you" Hana said, hugging the man one last time before making her departure. 

Kakashi hugged her back, afraid of what was to come when he let go. He knew Hana was fully capable of taking care of herself, but he couldn't just cast his worries aside. 

"Please, watch Naruto for me. I'll return soon" Hana promised. "Goodbye, Kakashi." 


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