Chapter 7: Hana's Mission

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"Hana let's leave for our mission" Itachi said. "Can you flash us to this location?" he pointed to a spot on a map. 

Hana stared at the location. She had left a seal there before so she could flash them. She quickly performed her jutsu and they ended up in the middle of a meadow. 

"Perfect, Hana-san. You are always so impressive" Itachi praised. 

Hanako felt her cheeks heat up. She wasn't used to Itachi being so complimentary. 

"I brought you along because I have several things I wish to tell you" Itachi began. "You are part of my plan...if successful we may be able to prevent the fourth great ninja war."

Hana tried to hold in her shock. The fourth great ninja war? Is that what the akatsuki were planning? 

"The day I massacred my clan, I did so to prevent war with the leaf. The Uchiha's were planning a coup-d'état and it was either my clan or the village. It was an order from Danzo, my anbu leader at the time. I needed to become a rogue ninja, so I could infiltrate the akatsuki." he took a deep breath. 

"Before Shisui died, he gave me one of his eyes, which possesses the kotoamatsukami that allows the jutsu caster to control another's mind. The drawback of this technique is you may only use the jutsu once a decade unless you possess Senju chakra. Then you may use it once a day. I needed to infiltrate the akatsuki, so I could bring you in and you could take Shisui's eye. This eye could allow you to put an end to the akatsuki, but every moment you possess it you will be in great danger. You will be on the run for the rest of your life. Is this a responsibility I can entrust to you?" Itachi asked. 

"Itachi-" Hanako started. "You know I would do anything to save my brother in a heartbeat. I'll do it."

"There's only one thing.." Itachi began. "The eye is a currently in a crow...inside Naruto." 

"It's what?!" Hana said.

"I-uh put it there for safe keeping."

"Inside my brother?!" Hana asked.

"Yes. Now, we better go get it. Do you know where your brother is now?"

"He should still be on a mission we were supposed to be on when you took me" Hana explained. 

"We need to intercept them. I just need you to keep them busy until I can take back the eye" Itachi explained. "You have Senju blood so you'll be able to utilize the eye to its full potential."

"Can I ask where Shisui's other eye is?" Hana asked. "Why do you only have one?" 

"Danzo took it" he said. "Shisui confronted him to try to prevent the coup and he took it."

"Is there a chance Danzo used the kotoamatsukami on you to perform the massacre?" Hana asked. "It just seemed so out of character for you to do."

"Even if he did, I wouldn't know" Itachi said, but it gave him a lot to think about. If Danzo did compel him with the eye, it would make Itachi think as though he was acting from his own will. He would confront Danzo and learn the truth. 

"Okay, Team 7 should be almost at the hidden sand village by now" Hana said. "We better get going."

Itachi nodded and he took her hand as she flashed them as close as possible to Team 7. 

"I will reveal myself to them first. I will have to put Naruto in a genjutsu so I can take the eye without him knowing." Itachi explained. "You will have to distract the other two to buy me time." 

Hana nodded in acknowledgement. This was the first time she'd have to act out her 'betrayal' to her comrades. Fake or not, it would not be easy. I'm sorry Naruto. She thought. Please forgive me. 

Hana crouched on a tree branch overlooking Team 7, her akatsuki cloak was flowing slightly in the wind. She watched as Itachi jumped in front of Naruto. 

"Uchiha Itachi" Naruto said through clenched teeth. 

Kakashi ran towards him "Naruto! Stand down" he said. "This is not your fight."

Sakura watched in the distance, paralyzed with fear.

Hana jumped down and faced Kakashi "it's not your either" she said. 

"Hana-chan" Kakashi breathed. "W-what are you doing here? You're one of them?!" 

Hanako glanced to her left only to find Naruto unmoving, but speaking to Itachi. He must be under a genjutsu by now. 

"How could you do this?!" Kakashi asked, pain coated each of his words.

"I was tired of the village that pretended I don't exist. At least they actually acknowledge me here" Hana said, hoping her excuse was good enough to justify her betrayal. 

"Hiruzen's no longer hokage! We're allowed to acknowledge you now. You finally have a family! You're willing to give all that up to join a traitor?" Kakashi asked. 

Hana breathed knowing this next part would be hard. 

"I'm in love with that traitor, Kakashi" she said, feeling guilty as the lie left her lips. "I will choose him over you every time. Over all of you." 

Hana quickly weaved signs and wrapped Kakashi in the adamantine sealing chains. These chains could secure a tailed beast so there's no way he would be escaping until she undid the jutsu. She flashed to Sakura and did the same. I'm sorry. She thought. 

She stepped back and watched Naruto and Itachi. 

"Why do you care so much about my brother anyway?" Itachi asked. 

"I'm more of a brother to him than you ever were!" Naruto shouts. "And, I'm not giving up on him like you did! I will save Sasuke and I will bring him home."

Hana wanted to smile at the determined nature of her brother. He was passionate and never went back on his word. He would be a great hokage some day. She thought she saw Itachi try to suppress a smile as well, but his small change in expression was followed by his usual look of indifference. 

He turned to Hana "let's go" he said. And, they flashed back to the meadow. 

"That was horrible Itachi" Hanako said, feeling a tear drip down her cheek. 

"Come here" he said, opening his arms to embrace her. "You did well."

He let go of her and revealed the crow possessing a single sharingan. 

"It's time we make the switch."

Itachi removed Hana's eye with his hand and she felt searing pain flow through her. Itachi quickly placed the other one in the empty socket and Hana quickly performed a healing jutsu to finish the job. She tried blinking a few times with her new eye. 

"You now have all the basic abilities of the sharingan. You also possess the mangekyo. Shisui's genjustu is stronger than mine for he does not need to make eye contact to cast it. You also possess a susanoo" Itachi explained. "Try activating the sharingan."

Hana tried and her new eye glowed red. She could suddenly see the chakra around Itachi that normally she could only sense. So this was the power of the sharingan. 

"Incredible" she said. 

Itachi suddenly broke into a coughing fit and some blood coated his hand. 

"Itachi, are you okay?!" Hana asked. 

"I'm fine. It's just my illness" he said. "I have a lung condition and sometimes excess chakra use aggravates it."

"Please be careful, Itachi" Hana said, as her fingers glowed green and she placed her hand on his chest. 

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