Chapter 21: The Leaf Police Force 🍋

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Hana woke up to hear Itachi coughing from the other room. She got up and walked over to him and saw blood on the palm of his hand. 

"Oh babe" she said, sadly. His lung disease caused him great breathing difficulties and pain, but he always kept it to himself. She rubbed his back as he continued to cough, feeling him relax to her touch. 

"Oh shit" Hana groaned, running herself over to the toilet. Morning sickness had overtaken her and she felt last nights dinner rise to the surface. 

Now, it was Itachi's turn to rub her back, but he also held her hair back for her until she was finished. 

"Ew" Hana whined. "I hate throwing up."

She immediately rushed to brush her teeth to get the lingering taste out of her mouth. 

"Baby I'm taking a shower. Morning sickness just makes me feel gross."

Itachi nodded at her and watched as she began to strip in front of him. He looked at her, mesmerized, as if he'd never see her naked body before. 

Hanako turned the shower on and waited for the water to adjust before fully immersing herself in it. Her eyes fluttered closed in ecstasy of feeling the hot water warm her skin. She moaned slightly at the feeling of her aching muscles being relieved of pain. Pregnancy came with a lot of strain on the body.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind as Itachi entered the shower silently. She knew his throat was sore from all the coughing and she didn't press him to speak. She just let herself melt into his touch as his arms held her lovingly. Itachi moved his hands from her waist to her swollen belly. 

"I love them so much" he mumbled into her ear. "And, I love you."

"We love you too, Itachi" Hana returned. "So, so much."

With his hands pressed against her stomach, she felt a bit of movement from within her belly. 

"Did they just kick?" Itachi asked. 

"They did" Hana replied. "Oh my god, their first kick" Hana said, feeling the tears fill her eyes. 

"To experience parenthood with you is the most rewarding thing, my love" Itachi said, adoration coating every word. 

Before Hana had the chance to let the tears fall, Itachi leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed him back gently trying to distract herself from the wall of emotion filling her body. She was so happy. Every moment with this man was pure bliss.

"I fucking love you" she said, pulling away for only a moment before crashing her lips against his. 

He kissed her back with equal hunger and their tongues met passionately. He turned her around to face him and his dick was already fully awake. Hana positioned herself so her folds cradled his dick and she began to rock back and forth so her juices coated the side of his member. 

Itachi let out a restrained groan at the contact and slowly rocked his hips back and forth in an attempt to stimulate her clit more. It was now Hana's turn to fight back a moan as he began to move faster against her needy heat. Itachi's fingers pinched her nipple as he began to kiss down her neck. 

Hana's body tensed at his touch, but began melting away into the bliss of his neck kisses. Itachi found her sweet spot and began giving it the best treatment, as she became putty in his hands. 

She felt the need between her legs grow and began rubbing more eagerly against his hard member. Itachi squeezed her ass with one hand and removed his dick from between her legs. He began rubbing circles on her clit with his other hand and she began letting out a steady stream of moans. 

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