Chapter 15: Forever Yours 🍋

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Hana walked a short distance into the forest surrounding the leaf village before she spotted a crow. It had a small piece of paper attached to it's foot. She removed the note from the crow's leg and slowly opened it. 

At our place. Come see me. -  Itachi

Hana laughed internally that he thought he had to sign it. Who else would send a note via crow other than her boyfriend? She quickly flashed to the cottage, eager to see her boyfriend. She opened the front door to see Itachi, looking handsome as ever. He was topless only wearing a pair of black sweats that hung low on his hips. Her eyes immediately went down to his v line as she took in his appearance. Hana gulped and slowly drew her eyes upwards to meet his. 

"Oh so you're a jonin, huh?" he said. Hana glanced down and realized she forgot to undo the transformation jutsu. She released it and returned to wearing her usual attire. This time, she left her sharingan visible because it was only her and Itachi. 

"How was your mission?" Hana asked. "Good" he said. "And yours?"

"It was a success" Hana said and Itachi let out a breath of air he didn't realize he was holding. "Good" he said. "I'm glad. You're not hurt?" he asked. 

"No" Hana said. "I was weakened, but Kakashi nursed me back to health."

"I'm not surprised" Itachi said. "I knew he'd watch over you."

"How'd you know?" Hana asked.

"Just had a feeling" he replied. "Just Obito left?"

"Just him" Hana reaffirmed. 

"You're amazing, you know that?" Itachi said. He took a step closer to Hana and grabbed her face cupping her cheeks in his hands. 

His connected their lips and immediately entered his tongue into her mouth. She eagerly returned the favour and they melted into each other. No matter how much time went before they saw one another, they constantly longed for the other's touch. When they connected, they reached equilibrium: whole, perfect, and complete. They were unequivocally two parts of the same whole. Their entire existence drew them to each other. They continued making out and carefully entered the bedroom. 

 Itachi ravaged Hana's neck with love bites. The noises that poured out her mouth were beautiful to him and only spurred him on. Hana happily returned the favour and marked her boyfriend's neck shamelessly. He groaned whispering her name in her ear. "Hana, you're so fucking good" his head leaned back only exposing his neck further to her. 

She began trailing kisses down his muscular body. At the same time, Itachi pulled on the tie of her akatsuki kimono letting it fall to her feet. She stared up at him with doe eyes and he couldn't hold himself back any longer. Itachi's long fingers moved straight to her clothed heat pushing her panties to the side to play with her clit. He began moving his fingers in a circular motion, and use the other to fully remove her panties. He pushed one of his long fingers into his mouth and wet it slightly before pushing it into her entrance. She felt a pressure begin to build in her stomach just at this much. He pulsed that finger in her heat savouring the way it sucked him in and gripped around his finger. "So tight for me baby. How on earth will you take two?" he questioned. 

He pulled his first finger out and licked all of her essence from it. "I could eat you all day" he said. Hana blushed at the confession. He then stuck both his pointer and middle finger in his mouth, lubricating them with his saliva. Itachi shoved both fingers into her pussy feeling her clench even tighter around the two. "Ughh" she groaned. "Already filling you and it's just my fingers" Itachi commented. "So tight all the damn time just begging me to fuck you" he hummed. He began moving his fingers in a 'come here' motion. Hana felt the pressure steadily building in her pelvis. "Oh that feels so good" she moaned. The sound of her juices were prominent as he began to thrust his fingers at a greater pace. "Oh yes Itachi. I love your hands. I'm gonna cum all over them" Hana groaned.

She felt her first release coming, but she knew it wasn't going to be the last of the night. She let herself go and squirted all over his hand. "Drown me, baby" Itachi encouraged and hurriedly moved his tongue to her pussy to lap up every last drop. "That's my girl" he said staring up at her admiring her beauty. Oh how he loved seeing her like this. Vulnerable to his touch. Panting as he stimulated her. He knew how to drive her crazy and he wanted to see her let go again and again.  He loved to watch the lewd expressions on her pretty face when he pounded into her. He loved that simply two fingers could lead her to unload onto him. He gladly savoured every last drop. 

"I need you to fuck me" Hana demanded, growing needy despite just reaching orgasm. 

"Fucking take it then" Itachi said, as he removed his dick from his pants and shoved it inside her with one push.

"Aw shit" she groaned. "I'm amazed I fit into you every time baby. Gripping me so well, I'm in heaven." 

"Please Itachi" Hana moaned. "Fuck me."

Itachi began to move slowly making sure his length fully entered Hana before drawing his hips back again. She moaned as the tip of his length grazed her cervix. It was a blissful mixture of pleasure and pain when he did this and she loved it every time. She loved feeling him stretch her walls as they sucked him in. He began thrusting into her with more strength and she felt the sensation in her stomach continue to build and build. "I'm already close" she whined. "You're so fucking good Itachi. You fill me so well."

"You take me so well. You going to take it even harder baby?" Itachi asked. 

"Please. Yes, please" Hana moaned. 

Itachi began picking up the pace and angled himself so he was sure to reach her g spot with every movement. The sounds leaving her lips only confirmed this. He felt himself about to reach his end. "I'm gonna cum" he groaned, continuing to thrust into her mercilessly. "Finish inside. Fill me, Itachi" Hana moaned. He moaned loudly at her words and pounded even harder letting his seed coat her walls. "Oh fuck" she whined reaching another orgasm at the same time. 

Itachi rolled on his side and faced her on the bed. "You are too fucking perfect" he murmured. 

"I missed you" she said. "You're not allowed to be apart from me. 24 hours was too long."

"I never want to be apart from you" Itachi said. "Oh, can't you just be mine forever?"

"Are you proposing, Itachi?" 

"And, what if I was?" he said. He leaned over the edge of the bed and lifted his cloak. He reached into the pocket and pulled out a small black box. 

Hana stared wide-eyed at the man. 

"Hana...I have been in love with you my entire life. Will you do me the absolute honour, of being my wife?" Itachi said. He slowly opened the ring box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. It was a white gold band with a sapphire stone in the centre. 

Hana's hand covered her mouth and she felt hot tears run down her cheeks. "Yes" she said, shaking slightly from her tears. "Yes, I will Itachi."

Itachi kissed her, feeling a tear leave his own eye. He'd never been so happy to hear the word yes in his entire life. The woman of his dreams accepted his proposal. He was elated. "I'm so happy" he whispered. "I love you so much."

"I love you, Itachi" Hana said. "I will love you, always." 

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