Chapter 12: The Hidden Sound Village 🍋

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"I have a mission for you, Hana" Pain said. He stood at the doorway to her room. Itachi was in the shower. 

"Yes, Leader-sama?" Hana asked sitting up in her bed. 

"I'm sending Itachi and Kisame to fetch the six tails. While they do that, I need you and Sasuke to go after the nine tails again. This is the last chance I'm willing to give you, Hanako. If you fail once again, I will join you on the next retrieval mission, and I promise you, it will be successful."

Hana tried to hide her fear at Pain's threat. She gulped but hid her emotion behind a smile. "Yes, Pain-sama. That's fair. I understand your frustration. May I ask, who will accompany me if Itachi is out?" 

"I will have our newest recruit, Uchiha Sasuke join you. Retrieve the nine tails and bring him back alive. I need to extract the nine tails before I can kill him. Now, go."

"Yes, sir." Pain closed the door and exited the room. Hana hurried to get ready when Itachi poked his head out of the bathroom. "You heard?" she asked. He nodded, his body was wrapped in only a towel hanging lowly on his hips. 

"Will you really kill the six tails?" Hana asked. Itachi shook his head and pointed to his eyes. Ah genjutsu. She nodded. He would fool any of the akatsuki members into making them think they successfully obtained the tailed beast. She only worried about the other Uchiha, Obito, and how he may be onto their deception. She shrugged off the thought and looked back at Itachi. 

"I will use-" Hana pointed to her eyes. "-When he joins me alone to get Naruto." Itachi nodded. That would be the perfect time for her to act. Pain would be alone and at her mercy. "Just make sure you're convincing on your mission until I'm free to act" she said. Itachi nodded once again. 

"I will take care of Sasuke" she said. Itachi wrapped his arms around her from behind in a tight embrace. "I know you will" he said and he leaned down to kiss her cheek. 

Hana felt herself sinking into his embrace. She couldn't help it, his arms felt like home. She turned to face him and pressed her lips against his. They began kissing, their lips knowing each other's like a mirror. Itachi bit her lower lip and invited his tongue in. Hana accepted it willingly, eager to deepen the kiss. She placed her hand on his chest and began tracing light circles with her finger as they continued to make out. He shivered at her touch and she could feel a tent forming in the towel that wrapped around his lower half. She continued tracing down his chest further and further until she reached his v line. This time she traced her fingers along his v line and gripped the towel with one hand and yanked it off. 

He member shot upward as it was already stiff with arousal and bounced lightly off his stomach. She parted their lips and felt herself salivate just looking at it. He smirked and she looked up to see his eyes were a deep red. Itachi pulled her hair from one side of her neck towards her back and began trailing kisses up and down her neck. She moaned into his touch and reached out to grip his length with one hand and began stroking it. 

Itachi let out a moan into her neck as he was kissing her and she felt her skin vibrate as he did. The noise he made sent a shiver down her spine. His moans drove her absolutely insane. She was only wearing one of his t shirts that just covered her ass. She threw it on before bed last night. Itachi reached under the shirt and one of his large cold hands gripped her breast. He began playing with her nipple and she began to stroke him harder. Their lips met again and she found herself moaning into his mouth. Her grip tighten on his length and she found herself guiding it to her entrance. She wasn't wearing underwear underneath the shirt. She teased his cock at her entrance for a bit, rubbing it back and forth against her slit to take in some of the juices before shoving it inside. 

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