Chapter 4: The man you once knew

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After meeting with Naruto, Kakashi walked Hanako to her new home. It was a small apartment on the outskirts of the leaf village that Tsunade arranged for her. It wasn't much, but it beat being locked in a cell. Hana stopped walking as they neared her door. 

"Well, this is me."

"So, it is" Kakashi said, sounding slightly disappointed.

Hanako stared up at the silver haired jonin. He looked so handsome in the moonlight. She'd come to depend on Kakashi in recent months. He was a safe, familiar place for her. He felt like home. Hanako knew she'd be dead if he hadn't stumbled upon her and for that she was forever grateful to him. 

She enjoyed spending time with him. He put her mind at ease and a smile on her face. They had spent many nights together sharing a meal after training. She didn't have much to talk about since her life was pretty repetitive these past years, but she enjoyed listing to Kakashi's stories. She loved hearing about his ongoing rivalry with Might Guy, a taijutsu specialist. She loved to hear about the adventures with his students. At times, it almost felt as though she was right alongside him every step of the way, as he told the stories so vividly. 

The silver haired jonin shrugged his hands in his pockets and stared down at the much shorter kunoichi. Kakashi stood at 5'11'' and Hana was merely 5'3''. 

"Hana-chan I've really enjoyed spending time with you" he began. 

"I've enjoyed my time with you too Kakashi-senpai" Hana responded, starting to feel nervous. 

Kakashi smiled and grabbed the back of his neck with one hand. He then reached for his mask and pulled it down. He was beautiful. Hana thought. So strikingly handsome, yet he kept it all covered up. 

Hanako was mesmerized as Kakashi placed both of his hands on either side of her jaw and pulled his lips down to meet hers. She closed her eyes and savoured the feeling of their lips connecting. His lips were soft and warm. She felt jolts of electricity as they deepened the kiss. Kakashi slipped his tongue in her mouth and their tongues went back and forth lewdly. She ran her fingers through his hair as they continued, just enjoying the newfound closeness. Kakashi eventually broke the kiss and Hanako could feel heat rising in her cheeks. 

"Goodnight, Hana-chan" Kakashi said, with a shy wave. 

"Goodnight, Kakashi-senpai" Hana said, almost out of breath from the moment they just shared. 

Hana unlocked her front door and entered her apartment. She didn't have many possessions. Just basic furniture. She needed to go grocery shopping and slowly build a new wardrobe. She set her keys down on a small table by the door and jumped when she heard a sound from across the room. She looked up and there sat Uchiha Itachi leaning forward with his legs spread apart in her armchair. 

"I-Itachi" she said, startled. 

"Hana-san" his deep voice bellowed. 

Itachi was wearing a black cloak with red clouds across it. He was sporting a leaf headband with a straight line drawn across the middle. Hana didn't know what to say. There were so many questions, so many pent up emotions she held for the man across from her. 

"You're probably wondering why I'm here" Itachi began. 

She reached for her kunai ready to flash away if he decided to use genjutsu on her. 

"Don't make me hurt you" he said coldly. "I'm here because I need you to bring me to Sasuke when the time is right. I'm assuming you marked him, yes?" 

"How did you know?" Hana asked out of disbelief.

"I've been watching you, Hana-san."

"You've been watching me?" she asked. "Why?"

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