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ᝰ  2 years later  

The twins had just turned 5 and it was officially 4 years since Itachi passed. Hana still thought about him every day. 

Kakashi was with her almost 24/7 helping out with the twins. He had become like a second father figure to them. Although he and Hana shared a kiss 2 years earlier, Hana had not been ready to take the relationship further. He respected her and never brought it up again. He would let her decide when she was ready, until then, he was in no rush.

Hana was forever grateful for his help. She didn't know how she would manage without him. The twins were starting to demonstrate skills in ninjutsu at a very young age. They were practically mimicking the genjutsu she'd left Itachi in when he died. Hana was so proud of them both. 

Despite being only 5 years old, they had their father's work ethic and constantly had Hana and Kakashi practice with them. 

"I think they're ready to go to the academy" Kakashi said, as he and Hana were supervising them while they playfully sparred. 

"I think you're right" Hana said.

They both exceeded the entry requirements and could likely become genin by the end of the year. Hana would submit the paper to enrol them the following day. 

"Alright boys, you better get yourselves cleaned up for dinner" Hana said, addressing the now, out of breath, twins.

"Yes, Mama!" They called back. 

Ichiro and Yuto raced each other into the house. Ichiro winning, but Yuto not far behind. 

"No, fair! You're starting to learn Mama's flash jutsu" Yuto whined.

"Guess you're just gonna have to do better" Ichiro said smirking. 

Yuto hung his head low and followed his brother inside. Hana knew he'd get over it. Yuto wasn't one to hold grudges. By the time he had some food in him, he'd be a completely different person. Yuto and her had that in common. 

The friendly competition between the brothers definitely encouraged them to improve. They were constantly challenging each other and trying to learn more jutsu than the other, but each of them had their unique strengths. 

Kakashi looked up at the sky towards the sun that was beginning to set. They had stayed out later than intended, but the boys insisted on training more. Hana and Kakashi didn't mind delaying their dinner by much longer. 

"Hana" Kakashi said, his voice suddenly growing serious. "I am so proud of them. I never thought I could be so proud of children that aren't my own. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to grow so close with them."

"You're thanking me? I should be thanking you, Kakashi. You've been such an incredible help. Most wouldn't be so selfless."

"I can't say it's been entirely selfless" Kakashi said.

"Kakashi" Hana said letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. 

Hana looked up at the man she'd grown to admire so much. She gently pulled his mask down revealing his sculpted jaw line and soft lips.

"What are you-"

Hana interrupted his words by pressing her lips to his, this time her tongue fighting its way into his mouth. He reciprocated, matching her energy, and his tongue clashing against hers for dominance. His hands found her waist and she ran her fingers through his silver hair. Hana finally pulled away, leaving Kakashi breathless. 

"Words will never express my gratitude to you for the past few years. You've never once pressured me and have just been by my side no questions asked. I can't think of many men who would do that. Since you're here all the time anyway, would you like to move in with me, Kakashi?"

"I would love to, Hana-chan" Kakashi said, after a pause, being brought speechles.

Kakashi moved his stuff into Hana's place and began staying at hers permanently. He sold his old place and put the money into a trust for the boys when they got older. 

Not long after he moved in, Hana and Kakashi officially became a couple. After dating for over a year, Hana fell pregnant once again. 9 months later they welcomed a healthy baby boy which they named, Kenzo Hatake. 

The twins were excited for their new brother. Kenzo resembled Kakashi with his silver hair, but had Hana's bright green eyes. 

The twins were now 8 years old and helped out with their new baby brother as much as they could. Hana still talked about Itachi often and gave the boys lessons on the Uchiha's history, with the help of Sasuke of course. 

The twins were both jonin now so they had a ton of responsibilities, but they never neglected to spend time with Kenzo. They absolutely adored him, and although Kenzo was just a baby, Hana could tell the feeling was mutual. 

Whether or not Kakashi decided to propose, Hana never intended to change her last name from Uchiha. She may have been the last Namikaze, but she would never be the last Uchiha. 

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