Chapter 26: The Naka Shrine

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6 months had passed since Itachi died. Hana had to keep moving for the sake of her children, but she was dying inside. The house felt so empty without him there. She reflexively set him a plate at the table every night only to be heart broken once again once she'd realize her mistake. 

Hana was trying to feed Ichiro but he was being fussy. Ordinarily, Naruto or Sasuke would stop by to help out, but both had dates that night so she was on her own. 

"C'mon baby just eat a spoonful for mommy" Hana said, trying to sound calm although her patience was wearing thin.

Ichiro pushed her hand away with his tubby fingers. 

"Honey please, I gotta feed your brother next."

Ichiro continued to pout and shook his head. 

"Dada" he said. 

Hana's eyes widened when she realized what he just said. That was his first word. Her heart dropped in her stomach knowing the twins would never see their dad again. 

"Yes, baby. Dada loves you always" she said, trying not to let herself breakdown into tears. 

"Dada" he said once again. 

Yuto stared at the two with confused eyes from his high chair. Yuto stuck a finger out at Ichiro and said "eat."

"See, even Yuto wants you to eat. Can you eat for me please?" Hana said.

Both twins just said their first words one after the other. 

Ichiro finally relented and let Hana feed him.

"Eat! Eat!" Yuto sang, clapping his hands together. 

"Coming baby, I'm gonna feed you next."

Hana finally finished feeding Ichiro and repeated the same process with Yuto. He ate quickly since he was clearly much hungrier than his brother. 

She heard a knock on the door and walked over to answer it. Since she was on her own for the day, she neglected most of the house chores because her focus was entirely on the twins. It wasn't easy being a single mother. 

Kakashi stood on the other side. 

"I've come to take over" he said. "I heard Naruto and Sasuke had the night off. So, I figured you'd need some alone time."

Hana nodded and whispered a thank you to Kakashi. She grabbed her coat and hurried out the door. Not that she was eager to get away from the twins, it was more so she had to complete a part of her grieving process. 

She flashed to the graveyard that had become a part of her routine. She found her place in front of Itachi's grave and began to tell him about her day. 

"And the twins said their first words today. Ichiro said 'dada' and Yuto said 'eat'. I wish you were here to witness it. I miss you every day. I know they do too. I hope you're at peace wherever you are. I love you so much."

Hana let herself cry for awhile before finally forcing herself to move from her place. She was kind of glad her friends didn't cover for a night at a time because she knew she would spend all night sleeping by his grave. 

She wasn't quite ready to go home yet so she decided to pay a familiar place a visit. Hana flashed to the outside of the Uchiha compound. It had been left abandoned since the massacre and caution tape still surrounded the walls leading to the entrance. She pushed her way through the gate and wandered straight to Itachi and Sasuke's old house. Memories flooded her mind of her and Itachi spending time together as children.

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