Chapter 11: The Uchiha's

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The three of them appeared outside of Itachi's cottage. 

"So, what now?" Sasuke said bluntly a bored look on his face.

Hanako laughed "always straight to the point." 

Itachi etched a small smile across his face upon hearing a typical comment from his younger brother. "Well, we have to formally make you an akatsuki member and then plan our next steps from there" Itachi explained.

"Can we start with Orochimaru?" Hana piped up. 

"I second that" Sasuke chimed. 

"Yes" Itachi said. The three of them entered the cottage and Hana and Sasuke plopped themselves onto the couch. Itachi left and went to another room. 

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Hana asked Sasuke about Orochimaru. 

"The curse mark drained me a lot at first, but I'm good now."

Hana let out a sigh of relief. She had spent all this time worrying about what could be happening to Sasuke. She had a feeling he was sugarcoating it though to spare her feelings. 

"Here little brother" Itachi said returning to the room with one of his spare cloaks. "Welcome to the akatsuki."

Sasuke draped the cloak over his broad and muscular shoulders. It did suit him. The Uchiha's were all good looking, so even the cloak of a terrorist group looked exceptional on them. Sasuke resembled Itachi quite a bit, minus the stress lines that marked Itachi's face. 

"I can't believe I'm reunited with my favourite people again" Hana said. "I just wish Naruto was here." 

Sasuke stiffened at the mention of Naruto. He felt a twinge of guilt for how coldly he treated his best friend. He had burned a lot of bridges on his journey to claim his brother's life. Now, that he knew Danzo was behind the massacre, he felt directionless. At least helping Itachi and Hana would keep him busy for a bit, after that he doesn't know what he'll do. He didn't even want to think about where he stands with Sakura now. Sakura was always obsessed with him. He found her incredibly annoying as a kid, but as he grew older he started to find it endearing. He never admit it out loud, but during his time away with Orochimaru he missed Sakura's constant yearning for him. 

"Okay, let's visit the base again and make Sasuke's membership official" Itachi said. 

"What about Hana's sharingan?" Sasuke asked. "Won't they be suspicious if she suddenly shows up with one?"

"I'll perform a transformation jutsu and just turn into myself without the sharingan" Hana said. 

In all honesty, she was excited to return to base. She missed some members (definitely not all) and wouldn't mind seeing them again before she had to betray them. 

"Are we all ready?" Hana asked. 

The two Uchiha's nodded and Hana placed a hand on each of them and quickly flashed to the akatsuki hideout. They emerged in Hana's old room. Hana opened the door and the three slowly made their way out of the room towards the common area. 

"I don't see the nine tails jinchuuriki" a booming voice interrupted. 

"Pain-sama" Hana greeted. "We failed to capture him, but we took down Danzo and have a new member on our side. One that knows the jinchuuriki well and will be sure to capture him" she said stepping to the side to reveal Sasuke.

"The youngest Uchiha?" Pain questioned. "Why would you want to help us?"

"I know what the leaf did to my brother. They had him massacre my family and made him reap the consequences without getting their own hands dirty. I'll do anything to aid my brother and the akatsuki in accomplishing their goals."

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