Chapter 20: The Fifth Hokage

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"Lady Fifth-" Hana began.

"Save it. Skip the formalities. Just tell me what you're doing here" Tsunade said, abruptly cutting her off.

Hana understood the Hokage's wariness. As far as she Tsunade knew, Hana was a traitor to the leaf and a potential threat. Given Hana's abilities, she couldn't afford to let her guard down. 

Hana took a deep breath and found her hand reflexively pressing against her stomach. She was starting to notice a change in her belly at this stage of the pregnancy. She was having twins, so she was bound to see a difference sooner than most. Just breathe. You can do this. Hana told herself. Somehow, telling Tsunade of everything that transpired felt like a much heavier task than telling Kakashi. 

Hana began to tell her story. She told Tsunade of how Itachi brought her to the akatsuki. How he'd filled her in on his plan to infiltrate them. She explained how they'd uncover the true cause of the Uchiha massacre. How they'd dealt with Orochimaru and Kabuto. How they'd stopped Pain and Obito, and prevented the Fourth Great Ninja War. She explained how they even saved Sasuke from himself along the way and brought the remaining akatsuki members on to her side. 

When she finally finished speaking, the silence that followed was deafening. Tsunade stared blankly at the red-haired kunoichi, her emotions forever unreadable. Hana didn't dare utter a word. Finally, Tsunade spoke. 

"Namikaze, let me just start by saying, I don't know you very well. You were the Third Hokage's secret that'd I'd only recently learned about. Then, after learning of your existence, the next thing I hear is you defected from the leaf to join a terrorist organization. As hokage, you understand why I can't take this situation lightly-"

"Yes, but" Kakashi began.

"I'm not finished" Tsunade said, holding up a single finger to quiet him.

 "Despite that, upon hearing your story and having one of my most trusted jonin vouch for you wholeheartedly, I understand why you acted the way you did. With that being said, I will clear your rogue ninja status. You are welcome to stay in the village. I also will pardon all remaining akatsuki members. Their loyalty to you is by extension loyalty to the leaf, and I cannot afford to lose such valuable allies. They may come and go through the leaf as they please. I will also clear up any confusion regarding the Uchiha massacre and hold Danzo accountable, even posthumously. What do you say to that?"

"Lady Fifth, I am beyond words. That is all I could ask for..thank you for your patience and understanding" Hana said, meaning every word. A weight felt like it was finally lifted off of her chest. 

"There is one thing I ask of you" Tsunade continued. "Now that you possess Shisui's sharingan I need you to use transformation jutsu whenever you are in public to disguise it. Other villages would start wars for that eye. You've seen the lengths Danzo went for one. If there ever comes a time where someone comes close to obtaining your eye, you must destroy it."

"Understood, Lady Fifth. Thank you again."

"Also, Hanako?"

"Yes, Lady Fifth?"

"Who's the father?"

Hana cheeks glowed a light pink. Of course, Tsunade would notice her pregnancy right away. 

"Uchiha Itachi" Hana replied. 

"I see. Well, congratulations" Tsunade said. "You're going to be a great mother."

Hana began to exit the Hokage's office with Kakashi glued to her side. She stared at the anbu guard who seemed familiar outside of the door. 

"Iris?" He said.

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