Chapter 10: Danzo 🍋

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raise your hand if you hate Danzo 🙋‍♀️

Itachi and Hana woke up in the morning tangled in the sheets. The room smelt like sex, unsurprisingly, and Hana carefully left the bed to hop in the bath. Hana couldn't believe they finally confessed their love for each other. It felt like a long time coming. They had always been close and the love, though unspoken, was there; but, saying it out loud made it a thousand times more real. 

Hana cleaned herself with a bar of soap and took her time washing her hair. She heard the bathroom door opened and looked up to find Itachi's eyes glued on her. 

"Good morning beautiful" he greeted. 

"Morning Tachi" she said. 

He greeted her with a kiss on the lips. 

"Okay, baby I hate to ruin the mood but we got some shit to do today" he said. "Today, I'm going to confront Danzo." 

"Oh Itachi, be careful. Don't overdo it" Hanako warned. 

"Don't worry, Hana. I just need to know if he used the kotoamatsukami on me for the massacre. I have to know. I also need to destroy Shisui's other eye that's in his possession." 

Itachi continued "I don't want you to be in view of him because if he sees you have Shisui's other eye he won't hesitate to take it. I want you just out of view and there for backup just in case. Do not engage with Danzo without my command." 

"Okay, Itachi. I trust you. I'll do whatever you say."

"Good girl" he said. 

Itachi stripped himself of the bathrobe he was wearing and climbed into the tub with Hana. 

Hana inched forward so Itachi could sit behind her. Her ass was pressed against his crotch and she could feel him harden at the contact. Itachi's hands found their way to Hana's front and he began to fondle her breasts. 

"Someone's eager" she said smirking. 

"How can I not be? It's you" Itachi said unashamedly. 

Hana leaned forward slightly and surprised the Uchiha by adjusting herself so she was on his dick reverse cowgirl style. Itachi gasped as she lowered her hips onto him fully.

"Well, I'm not going to deny you" she said. 

Hana began riding him slowly letting her hips move in a circle as his dick pulsed inside of her. 

"You're twisted and I love it" Itachi said kissing the side of her neck. 

Hana began to ride him more aggressively and their skin slapped together in a continuous motion. Itachi felt himself begin to lose control and started moaning and whining in her ear. 

"Hana please. Slow down or I'm gonna bust right now" he groaned. 

"What if I want you to?" she quipped. 

"Do your worst" he said, giving her permission to use him however she pleased. "Just don't expect me to last when you're moving like that."

He gave her ass a squeeze with one hand and began playing with her nipples with the other as she continued to ride him. 

"You love to have me at your mercy, don't you? You sick fuck" Itachi said, between moans. 

"I can't help it. You're just so hot when you're moaning in my ear."

With that, Hana picked up the pace even more the water sloshing around in the bathtub. 

"Oh fuck, Hana."

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