Chapter 6: The Akatsuki 🍋

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Hanako opened her eyes and was surrounded by walls made of rock. She seemed to be in some sort of cave. She sat up and observed her surroundings. She was in a small bedroom with a twin sized bed, a desk, a chair, and a small dresser. There were two doors in the room, she assumed one lead to a bathroom. Itachi emerged from one of the doors.

"You're awake" he said. 

"I am" Hana replied. "Where am I?"

"You're in an akatsuki hideout" Itachi explained.

"Can you tell me why exactly?" she asked, an unamused look on her face. 

"Because you were about to fuck Kakashi." 

"You were watching?!!" Hana gasped. 

"Unfortunately" he said. 

"And you care why?" she asked. 

"I care because I'm going to be your first. Not Kakashi."

"And what makes you think you can decide that?" Hana asked. 

"I know who you desire more. I know you Hana" Itachi explained.

"How do you know that?" Hana asked.

"If you so long for him, why haven't you flashed out of here?" Itachi asked, an amused smirk on his lips. He got her there. 

Deep down a part of her knew he was right. Her and Itachi always had a special connection. To be honest, she always thought he'd be her first. First boyfriend. First hookup. First everything. 

"I want you, Hana-san. I've wanted you for a long time" Itachi confessed. 

Hana could feel her heart skip a beat. This man knew the effect he had on her and wasn't wasting any time getting to what he wanted. 

"Do you know how upset I've been watching you with Kakashi?" he continued. "He got to be your first kiss. He was almost your first love. I just couldn't take it anymore." 

"Can you blame me? Kakashi's nice." 

"He may be nice. But he's not me" Itachi said knowingly. "He will never give you what I can give you."

Hana felt her cheeks heating up. Everything this man said was true, yet it completely exhilarated her hearing it out loud. He was voicing her utmost desires out loud. Oh how he knew her. 

He walked toward her until he was facing her in front of the bed. 

"Come here" he grumbled. 

Hanako sat on the edge of the bed with her feet hanging off right in front of him. Itachi leaned down and grabbed Hana's throat squeezing it with one hand and brought his lips to hers in a possessive manner. Their lips met and fireworks erupted between the two. Her chemistry with Kakashi was good. When they kissed it was pleasurable, it was hot, but it wasn't like this..this was on another level. He bit her lower lip aggressively causing her to open her mouth in a gasp. He forced his tongue in and hers clashed against his fighting for dominance. His hand remained on her throat and the head rush it was giving her was intensely pleasurable. She felt as though her senses were on overdrive every second they were together. They continued to make out, the passion increasing with each moment. 

Itachi released her neck for a moment to remove his cloak swiftly, leaving him in a sexy all black ensemble. He removed his headband and let his hair move freely. He grabbed her throat again with his palm, squeezing a little tighter as he deepened the kiss. Hana moaned in response. How did he know what would drive her crazy?

"You are so fucking sexy" he whispered in her ear after releasing their kiss. 

He began kissing and sucking on her neck leaving lovebites anywhere he could. The sensation felt so good Hana didn't even care who would see the marks. She was a moaning mess. She reached up and gripped his hair in her hand tugging it as he continued to mark her. He grunted in response, seemingly loosing his breath as she first performed the action. 

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