Chapter 22: A Leaf Wedding

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Hanako and Itachi were finally getting married. Hana was going to wear a long flowy white gown and a white kimono over it baring the Uchiha crest on the back. Itachi would wear a fitted black tux with a black kimono baring the Uchiha crest. 

Hana was grateful for the kimono as it helped mask her baby bump. The twins were not making their appearance subtle. Her bump seemed to grow by the day. 

Itachi absolutely adored her and spent his days leading up to the wedding pampering his bride to be. He would give her foot massages to ease her swollen feet and drew baths with rose petals in them to help her soak off the day. He tended to her hand and foot and wasn't letting her lift a finger as she got closer and closer to her due date. 

Sasuke and Deidara were excited for the pending nuptials as well as the Uchiha babies. They'd spent their time living together working on building matching cradles, seeking the wood and supplies by hand. They surprised the happy couple with them the day before their wedding. They had painted both cradles black and painted the Uchiha crest on the end of each one. 

Hana and Itachi were overjoyed with the gift and Hana insisted on sending them home with some cookies Itachi had baked that morning. The rest of the day flew by and the wedding day was finally here. Kisame  ended up moving out and getting his own place with Obito, and Sasori so he could give the couple more privacy leading up to their wedding.

Hana spent the morning apart from Itachi following the superstition that the groom shouldn't see the bride before the wedding. She was getting ready at her and Itachi's place with Tsunade, Sakura, and Hinata helping her. Naruto also tagged along since he was the only family she had. 

Tsunade was doing her hair and Sakura was doing her makeup. Naruto and Hinata were there mostly for moral support, but Hana appreciated them regardless. She'd catch them holding hands from time to time and thought it was sweet that her little brother had found someone who cared for him so dearly. Hinata would turn bright red whenever Naruto spoke to her despite them dating for a bit now. Naruto would never admit it, but Hana caught him blushing at the Hyuga girl as well. They were both smitten with each other.

Tsunade tied Hana's red hair into an elegant low bun and set it into place. Sakura used subtle makeup to bring out her bright green eyes and accentuate her naturally full lips. Hana glanced in the mirror. She'd never liked the way she looked as much as she did right now. 

"You guys" she said, already tearing up. "It looks great. Thank you so much for all your help."

"Don't cry" Sakura chastised. "You'll remove the makeup."

"Sorry, sorry" Hana said, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "You can't just ask a pregnant lady not to cry" she joked. 

Naruto and Hinata both scrambled to grab a handkerchief and dabbed under Hana's eyes gently. 

"See! All good" Naruto said, giving a big thumbs up. 

"We got you Hana-senpai" Hinata whispered.

"Thank you guys. I love you all so much" Hana said.

"And we love you onee-chan!" Naruto said. "I can't believe I finally have a family."

"Aw Naruto-chan don't say that. I'm going to cry for real this time" Hana said. 

Hana was too young to remember her parents before the Third Hokage took her away and Naruto never knew his parents. They really only had each other, even though they didn't know it until recently. Finally, they could be a real family. And now, Hana was starting her own. Her younger self never could have dreamed of where she was now. She was forever grateful for how far she'd come. 

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