Chapter 2: Orochimaru's Lair

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When Hanako awoke, she saw that she was being restrained by a giant snake. She desperately tried to perform any jutsu, but she couldn't weave signs no matter how hard she tried. 

"Ah, Hanako-san you're awake" a cold creepy voice spoke. The voice sent chills down her spine. 

She looked up and was face-to-face with a man that was incredibly pale and snake-like. 

"I am Orochimaru, I'm sure you've heard of me, yes?" 

"You're Orochimaru?" she gasped.

One of the legendary Sannin who went rogue seeking to learn all jutsu..she'd heard about him, but never thought she would meet him. 

"Wait.." she realized. "How do you know my name?" 

The only people that knew her real name were Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hatake Kakashi and of course Itachi. She was kept isolated from the rest of the village out of the third hokage's fear that she would be sought after if her identity was revealed. Even Sasuke only knew her as her anbu name, Iris. 

"I know many things Hanako, you will come to realize that. More importantly, don't you wish to know why I've brought you here?" he asked with the same gravelly, unsettling tone. 

"Do enlighten me" she deadpanned. 

He chuckled before continuing, "you see, aside from learning all jutsu, I strive to achieve one thing. Immortality. To obtain this feat,  I cycle through young healthy bodies as my vessel. Given you are a spawn of the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans, you have a particularly desirable body."

She gulped. Ew this freak. 

"And what happens to me once you obtain my body?" she asked, knowing she won't like the answer.

"Well, that's simple. You die." 

She gulped again. Dying at 14...not exactly the fate she anticipated. 

"I have some good news for you though" Orochimaru began. "I won't be needing to use your vessel for a number of years considering I wish for you to gain strength so I can get the most optimal use out of you. So, you still have a few years left" he explained. 

Gee thanks. She thought.

"How kind of you" she rolled her eyes.

"Feisty, like your mother" he noted. 

"Don't talk about my mother!" she yelled. Hanako could take brutal torture, but her parents were definitely a sensitive spot for her. 

"Damn relax" Kabuto chimed in. 

"Was I talking to you?" Hanako muttered. She hated Kabuto. He was snake man's little bitch boy.


The days turned to years, in no time, in Orochimaru's lair. Orochimaru originally intended to train her, but he knew if he let her out of her restraints she wouldn't hesitate to kill him. She possessed many jutsu's and was a gifted combination of both her parents. 

The days were incredibly boring. All she could do was stay in her cell. They would provide her with nourishment through IV's. She missed the taste of real food. She missed going on missions with Kakashi and Itachi in the anbu. She missed her home. 

Hanako's mind constantly wandered to Itachi. What was he doing now? Where was he? Did he regret what he did? She thought she'd never know, until one day Orochimaru brought a boy home with him. 

"Sasuke?!" she breathed. 

"Iris?" Sasuke said, looking surprised. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked, still in disbelief she was seeing a familiar face after all this time. 

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