Chapter 18: A New Beginning

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Time seemed to fly by and soon enough it was the day Hana was dreading. The day where she would confront Obito Uchiha. If he had learned of her plans, she was screwed. She had to act hoping he was ignorant to her plans. 

Surely, he'd be a bit suspicious from Pain and Konan's departure. Hana just had to hope that he didn't connect it back to her. Obito was arriving home any minute now. 

She had to act swiftly and get him alone with her. Soon enough she heard the door to the hideout opening. 

"Helloooooo" Tobi called. 

Hana was the only one on the main floor at the moment. 

"It just me" she called back.

Obito let his voice immediately deepen once he knew it was just Hana around. 

"How are you?" 

"I'm good, how've you been Obito?" 

"I'm decent. Just arranging to get the tailed beasts myself. Our plan is almost complete."

Hana had to bite her tongue to resist asking about the nine tails jinchuriki. In other words, her brother. She had to hope and pray that he hadn't made any move for Naruto yet. 

"Oh good good" Hana said.

"What's that on your finger?" Obito asked, walking over to Hanako to see her hand up close.

"Oh, this? It's my engagement ring. Itachi proposed" she said, letting a smile etch across her face. 

"Oh my, Hana. Congratulations! If I had known sooner, I would have picked you up a present on my way home" Obito beamed.

"Aw Obito, that's really not necessary, but thank you" Hana said.

She took a deep breath in and braced herself. Here goes nothing.

"Obito? Can I ask you one thing-kotoamatsukami" she said in one breath. Hana focused all of her energy into controlling her mangekyo. Once she was sure he was under her spell, she began activating the genjutsu.

"Obito, I know you've endured a life of hardship. You were just a kid when you saw, so much and you shouldn't have had to go through that. Nonetheless, Rin doesn't like what you are doing now. She doesn't want you to start the fourth great ninja war. She doesn't want to rob the world of free will. She just wants you to be happy alongside Kakashi once again. She wants you to be with your friends. You want to make Rin happy. You never want to disappoint her. You must act accordingly otherwise she will never forgive you and you will never reunite in the afterlife. You will return to the Obito you were before all the pain and loss. You will heal from your emotional wounds and you will become someone she can admire once again. I am freeing you of all the pain and suffering and granting you the opportunity to do good once again. I free you, Obito Uchiha." 

Obito standed in a daze for a while longer after Hana finished casting her jutsu. He soon moved from his spot, unaware of what just occurred. 

"Hana?" He asked.


"We're cancelling project Tsuki No Me."


"And I'm leaving the akatsuki."

"Do what makes you happy Obito. I will support you" Hana said, watching Obito turn and walk away towards his room. 

Hana puts her hands on her knees and takes several jagged breaths in. The nerves she just felt were incomparable. She runs to the bathroom and empties the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She was surprised she even had anything left to throw up since she couldn't manage to eat this morning due to the nerves. Hana felt a cold hand graze her neck and hold her hair out of her face. She jumped slightly but calmed instantly when she heard "it's just me."

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