Chapter 17: I love you 🍋

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Hana and Itachi stumbled into their bedroom and Hana immediately plants her lips against his. He kissed her back eagerly and she moaned against his lips. 

"I love you so much" Itachi said, grabbing her hips with both hands and gripping them. He massaged small circles into her skin with his fingers. 

"I love you more" she said. 

"Not possible" Itachi replied, bring his hands up to grope her breasts. He  pinched her nipples between his fingers and she moaned at his touch. 

Hanako felt his hard cock pressed against her stomach as he fondled her. "I want you now" she groaned. 

"Be patient" Itachi said, smirking. "You'll get what you want soon enough." 

Hana stripped quickly and began playing with her clit to tease Itachi. His eyes followed her every move. The way her pussy twitched against her movement, the way her eyelashes fluttered and her eyes rolled back, the way her lips parted in pleasure, he took all of it in. 

"Fuck" he groaned, removing his cock from his pants so he could stroke himself as he watched his bride to be pleasure herself. 

She stared up at him as she moved her finger faster along her clit. "Itachi" she moaned, and he watched her pussy get wetter with her own words. Itachi felt his own cock twitch in his hands as he continued to stroke himself. She always had such an effect on him. 

"Oh fuck" Hana whined, as he began using her other hand to finger herself at the same time. Her mouth was wide open in an O shape and Itachi watched as she lost herself in the sensation. 

"Oh, I'm cumming!" Hana announced, as her movements grew quicker as she rode out her high. He watched as she squirted on the bedsheets, letting her arousal go everywhere. At this point he'd quickened his own pace on his cock and was craving something more. 

"You fucking tease" he whined. "Get over here."

Hana inched toward him and watched as he fully undressed himself. "You look so hot when you stroke your cock" she said lowly. "Feel how wet you make me." 

Hana grabbed his free hand and brought it between her legs. She was right. Itachi felt nothing but a slick surface as he dipped a finger inside her. She let out a soft moan as his finger entered her, but he pulled it away quickly and brought it to his lips. "Mm" he mumbled. "You taste amazing." 

"Itachi, please!" Hana begged, growing impatient now. Ignoring her pleas for his dick, he continued to stroke himself and instead returned a finger between her legs. This time, Itachi pushed two inside without warning and she hissed at the sudden fullness. "Fuck" Hana groaned. He began pulsing his fingers in her already wet pussy and she felt the heat in her stomach begin to build instantaneously. "I'm gonna cum again" she cried. 

He pulsed his fingers faster within her and watched as she squirted for the second time. "So eager to cum" he mused. "My dirty girl." 

Hana's pussy was pulsating after the orgasm he just gave her, but it still wasn't enough. She needed to be filled by him to feel satiated. She needed him inside her. "On your back" Itachi commanded. 

Hana obliged and lay quickly in the missionary position. He hovered over her and brought his lips to her nipples, playing and tugging them at an agonizingly slow pace. Hana was moaning in response, but still wanted more. Itachi stopped stroking himself and brought his dick to her entrance. He slid it up and down her slit allowing it to be coated in her arousal. She whimpered at the sensation. 

Itachi finally relented and pushed his rock hard cock into her entrance. She groaned at the sensation of him stretching her. "Mm finally" she whined. Itachi immediately stopped moving, letting his dick sit still within her. 

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