Chapter 16: Tears of Blood

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Hana woke up to hear Itachi coughing from the restroom. She ran over and saw him hunched over the toilet hacking up blood.

"Babe!" she cried, leaning over and rubbing his back trying to soothe him.

"Don't look at me like this" he said, gruffly in between coughs. "You're not supposed to see me like this."

"Don't be ridiculous" Hana said. "I'm your financé, I'll see you whenever I want."

Hana got up and grabbed Itachi a glass of water before returning to him.

"I'm fine, really" he said between coughs. He turned to face her and all Hana saw was blood running down his chin. Itachi glanced in the mirror and wiped the blood away with the back of his hand. "See? Nothing" he said.

"Shut up and drink" Hana said, shoving the glass of water into his hands. He nodded and obliged, slowly sipping the cool liquid.

"Thanks" he whispered.

"Come here" Hana said, opening her arms wide. Itachi let his body melt into hers as she stroked the top of his head with her hand.

"I have to do it soon" Hana thought aloud.

"I know you do baby" Itachi mumbled. "I'll be with you every step of the way."

Hana constantly thought about her impending confrontation with Obito. What if she failed? No, she couldn't bare to think about that. Failure wasn't even an option. It was the entire fate of the Ninja World in her hands if she failed. Her little brother, Sasuke, everyone she loved would be at risk if Obito succeeded in his plans. She wouldn't let him. She couldn't. Hana thought about the other akatsuki members. She didn't know what to do about the others. Konan and Pain were no longer a threat. She didn't want to kill the others, so she had to think carefully.

Hana couldn't kill Hidan even if she wanted what to do with him? She thought she may be able to convince Dei-Dei, Kisame, and Sasori to side with her. Kakuzu and Hidan were a much more complicated matter. Kakuzu she could at least pay off. She could even assign him to do contract work as she pleased, just to keep him busy. For the right price, of course.

Her and Itachi would be returning to the akatsuki hideout later that day. It was time to put her plan into action.


Hana flashed the two of them back to the hideout and they came across Sasuke and Deidara in the yard chatting. She wanted to speak with Kisame and Sasori briefly just to confirm a few things before she made a firm decision on what to do about the akatsuki members.

"I hate everything, and there's nothing I particularly like" Hana overheard Sasuke.

"And that's why you have no friends" Deidara said.

Sasuke shrugged. He'd been alone for many years now it's not like he wasn't managing. Hana tried not to laugh at their conversation. Here were two guys who couldn't be more different, talking so nonchalantly.

"Dei!" Hana shouted.

"Hana-kun!" Deidara said cheerfully. Hana embraced him in a hug and when she turned Sasuke had his arms open. She gripped Sasuke and gave him a hug. "Aw someone missed me" she said.

"As if" Sasuke muttered his cheeks turning red. He nodded at his brother before returning to sit on the grass. Itachi rolled his eyes at his brother's usual behaviour.

"I missed you Dei-Dei."

"I missed you more!"

"HANG ON-" Deidara said. "Look at this giant rock! Is that what I think it is?!!"

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