Chapter 5: Into the Woods

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Hanako woke up the next day feeling so many mixed emotions. Last night she kissed Kakashi and reunited with her old best friend. That was way too much for one night. She had to do her best to act casual about her reunion, but Uzumaki's weren't exactly known for their subtlety. She liked spending time with Kakashi, she really did. Maybe she would explore her relationship with Kakashi more? It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot, I mean she's never had a boyfriend and all her time in a cell definitely stunted her dating life. She didn't know when she would see Itachi again and the thought of it made her nervous. The whole interaction with Itachi was so incredibly confusing. She'd felt safe in his arms, yet she knew all the awful things he'd done. 

Hana's racing thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She opened it and was met with a familiar face. He was wearing a black outfit without his usual jonin jacket. The black sleeveless shirt highlighted his muscles and she could see his anbu tattoo on his bicep.

"Good morning Hana-chan" Kakashi said, beaming brightly. "I brought breakfast."

She was incredibly grateful to the jonin since her fridge was empty. They'd shared almost every meal together since her return to the leaf village. They sat quietly at the table and ate their breakfast.

"Something on your mind?" Kakashi asked.

"Oh nothing" she said. "Just spaced out, I'm sorry."

"If there was, you'd tell me?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, senpai" she replied, feeling slightly guilty at her lie. 

Kakashi was sweet and she trusted him, but this was far too dangerous for him to know. 

"We have a mission today. I'll get Naruto and Sakura and you can meet us at the gate in 20" he said. 

"Perfect" she said. 

Hana got both of their dishes and quickly washed them in the sink. 

"Thank you so much for breakfast Kakashi-senpai" she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

His face flushed slightly and he looked shy for a moment. 

"Alright I'll be off, see you" he said, standing and heading for the door. She smiled as she watched him walk away. He was a kind man, truly. 

Hanako was just finishing drying her dishes when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. 

"Itachi" she said. 

"Am I that obvious?" he chuckled. 

"Why are you here?" she asked. 

"Be careful on your mission today" he said. 

"Aw is someone worried?" Hana teased. 

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to" he quipped.

"You know, if you like me should just say so" she said, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. 

Itachi looked taken aback. Rarely was the man ever speechless. 

"Calm down, I'm kidding" Hana said. Itachi seemed to let out a breath he was holding. "Did I make the big bad Uchiha nervous?"

"Shut up" he said. "So you're still stupid as ever" he said.

"It's only been 8 years Itachi, you think I gained brain cells in that dungeon?" Hana said.

"Point taken."

"So, is that really the only reason you're here? To warn me?" Hana asked, continuing to do her chores as she wiped the counter top. 

"Yes, but also it's good to see you" Itachi admitted. 

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