Chapter 24: Life

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〰time skip〰 

Hana is now 40 weeks pregnant.


"Babe!" Hana called. She was having trouble getting out of bed. Now that she was nearing the end of her pregnancy, her belly had ballooned up and it was almost impossible to do anything. 

"Coming!" Itachi ran into the bedroom from the kitchen carrying a mug of hot water with lemon for Hana. He ran over to his wife and let her grip his arms so he could pull her out of bed.

"Thank you love" she said, already out of breath from simply standing up. Carrying twins was no easy task. Hana had never felt more helpless in her life. 

"Honey do you want a massage?" Itachi asked, seeing the pain in his wife's face. All of her muscle's were sore from the strain the babies put on her body. 

"Yes, please" she said. 

"Here, let's go sit on the couch and I'll take care of you" Itachi said, taking her hand and guiding her to the living room. 

Hana sat with her back facing him and relaxed into his touch as he began relieving the tension in the tight muscles of her back. She heard a knock on the door and turned her head towards the direction of the sound. 

"One second baby" Itachi said, excusing himself to go answer the door.

It was Sasuke, Deidara, and Naruto. 

"Hana-senpai, how are you feeling?" Sasuke asked. 

"I'm okay, just trying to tough out the rest of the pregnancy."

"Hi, onee-chan!" 

"Hey Naru, how's Hinata?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head and a blush coated his cheeks. "Haha she's good" he said, with some nervous laughter. He still got so shy whenever Hana brought up Hinata. How cute.

"Hana-kun I brought you pillow that's supposed to help with back pain" Deidara said, revealing the pillow from behind his back. 

"Awe thank you Dei" Hana said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. Itachi took the pillow from Deidara and tucked it behind Hana's lower back. 

"How's that?" he asked. 

"Oh, it's nice" Hana said. The pillow took a lot of extra stress off her back. Itachi helped ease a lot of the pain, but this pillow would also be a great help. 

"How'd your first date with Sakura go?" Hana asked, turning to Sasuke. After the wedding, Sasuke finally realized his feelings for Sakura after he got jealous seeing Sasori express interest in her. After a long while of convincing, Deidara finally got him to ask her on a date which she, of course, accepted immediately.

"It was good, I took her to a J-BBQ place and we watched the stars from atop the hokage statues" Sasuke exclaimed, popping a piece of cereal into his mouth. He just grabbed a handful and was now snacking on it while everyone talked. 

"Awe that is so sweet" Hana cooed. She'd been waiting for the younger Uchiha to accept his feelings for Sakura for years. It was nice to see something actually come of it. 

"Excuse me, I have to use the restroom" Hana said, dragging herself off the couch. Itachi helped her up, but before she could reach the bathroom she froze in her spot. 

"I think my water just broke."

Itachi's eyes grew wide as he stared as his wife. Hana felt a searing pain and clutched her stomach. Her first contraction. Already. 

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