Chapter 19: Making Amends

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Hanako and Itachi had a lot to do before the babies arrived. They wanted to get married before Hana gave birth, so they had to sort that out. They also wanted to make their return to the leaf village and figure things out with their loved ones before starting a new life together. They spoke with the remaining members of the akatsuki and they all wanted to return to the leaf with them, besides Kakuzu who was off doing his own thing. 

Obito was hellbent on reuniting with Kakashi, which Hana was happy about, but it was also getting borderline annoying. They were all planning to return to the leaf today. Hana figured she should arrive first and try to smooth things over before bringing the rest of the akatsuki back with her. Otherwise, the leaf may just assume the akatsuki are trying to invade. 

"Okay babe, I'm going to head now" Hana said. 

"Okay. I'll be right outside the village border if you need me. Good luck angel" Itachi said, kissing Hana on the cheek. He poked her forehead with his pointer and middle finger. "Let's go."

Hana flashed Itachi to just outside the leaf village. "I'll see you soon" she said, before flashing away. She sent herself to Kakashi's house and ended up in his living room. Kakashi was sitting on one of the couches reading his usual book. 

"Hana?!" He gasped when he saw her just appear. 

"Kakashi-senpai" she said. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I have a lot to tell you.."


Hana filled Kakashi in on everything that went down with the akatsuki. 

"Oh my god, I'm just glad you're alright. And, Obito, thank you Hana. Thank you for saving him from himself. You are incredible." 

"Also there's one more thing I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Kakashi asked.

"Itachi and I are engaged" Hana said, showing him the ring. "And, I'm pregnant."

"Oh my that's amazing!" Kakashi beamed. "Congratulations to you both!" 

" there any way I can see Naruto?" Hana asked. "I know he probably won't want to see me, but I just need to have a chance to explain everything. I feel awful for betraying him, for betraying all of you. I need to set things right."

"Of course, Hana. I will bring him here to you. Take all the time you need with him."

Kakashi left and Hana stayed sat on his couch looking around his living room. His home was fairly plain. It was very neat and clean, Hana could tell he took good care of it. The only personal items he had were three photographs. A picture of him, Obito, Rin, and Minato. A picture of him and Team 7. And, a picture of him, you, and Itachi. 

Hana smiled, remembering when the three of them were in the same Anbu team together. Things all seemed so simple back then. Back when the only people who knew Hana's real identity were the Third Hokage, Kakashi and Itachi. Back when Sasuke knew her as Iris, and the only villagers she interacted with outside of the Anbu were Itachi's family. Back before Hana knew she wasn't the last of her clan. Before she knew of Naruto. So much had happened since then. Most of the life she lived was a lie. The only people that ever seemed to truly know her were Kakashi and Itachi. She loved them both dearly. 

Hana couldn't help but feel nervous to face her younger brother. She'd only recently learned of his existence, and in that time, she had to spend most of it pretending she was betraying the leaf for an international terrorist organization. She still felt a pit in her stomach from that day she had to fool Team 7. All she could hope for was her little brother's forgiveness. 

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