Chapter 8: Itachi's Secret 🍋

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"Come with me. I want to take you somewhere" Itachi said, reaching out his hand to Hanako. 

She took his hand and he guided her to the edge of the meadow. As they approached she noticed a small house with a beautiful garden out front. A stone path led to the front door and lush trees occupied the surrounding land. Itachi walked straight up to the door and reached into his pocket pulling out a key. He carefully inserted the key into the lock and opened the door. 

"Come on in" he said. 

"What is this place?" Hana asked.

"This is where I go to escape the akatsuki. I tend to finish missions quickly with my sharingan, so I come here" he explained. "I bought this place as a sort of safe haven. The only way I could maintain my sanity with all the shit happening in the world."

"It's beautiful" Hana muttered, barely audibly. "What would Kisame do when you'd finish early on missions?"

"He'd usually go out drinking or gambling. Anything to pass the time really. He was grateful that I was always an efficient partner." 

They entered and inside was a traditional style Japanese house. She noticed a picture of Sasuke sat proudly on the end table. 

"Aw Sasuke-kun" she said. "I miss him."

"As do I" Itachi said. 

"What was the real mission Pain sent us on anyway?" Hanako asked. 

"We were supposed to gain intel on the nine tails jinchuriki and retrieve him" Itachi explained. "We'll have to report that we found him, but Kakashi gave us the slip."

"Will Pain-sama believe that?" Hana asked.

"He's going to have to..I ripped off a piece of Naruto's sweater to prove we made contact" Itachi said. 

Hana wandered over to the couch and sat down. The past day gave her a lot to think about. She reunited with her best friend..did stuff with him, learned of his true intentions behind the massacre, and was now responsible for preventing the next ninja war. It was a lot to take in. She wanted nothing more than some stress relief to take her mind off things. Even if this relief was just temporary. 

"Itachi?" the small girl said, looking up at him. "Kiss me."

Itachi looks down at the girl and his eyes immediately darken. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He gripped both sides of her neck to guide her lips to his. He kissed her with a sort of tenderness they never shared before. She kissed him back matching his gentleness, both of them just savouring the moment. They kissed moving their lips together in perfect synchronization. 

"Sit" Hana demanded. 

She stood up from the couch and had Itachi trade places with her. He raised his brow wondering what she planned to do next. Hana leaned over and began leaving lovebites on his neck. He let out a deep moan and the sound alone had her dripping with arousal. Hanako slowly began feeling up Itachi. Her hands travelled under his shirt down his chest. She lifted his shirt slightly and began giving him a hickey just next to his v line. 

The teasing was only making him more eager. Hana pulled his hard cock from out of his pants and began pumping it in her hand. She carefully lowered her mouth over the top and licked the tips slowly. 

Itachi groaned "you fucking tease" he said. 

She stared at him before lowering her head and taking his cock in her mouth to about halfway. She continued to pump the bottom half of his member with her hands as she bobbed her head on the top of his cock. Hana needed to use two hands to jerk him sufficiently as she sucked his dick because his cock was just that big. Itachi was moaning with her every move and she could feel his dick throbbing inside her mouth as she lapped up the pre-cum leaking out. 

"Where did you learn to suck dick like this?" Itachi groaned. 

Hanako's cheeks flushed red for a moment when she realized she'd learned it from dirty books she'd borrowed from Kakashi on occasion. She ignored Itachi's question and continued to pleasure him. As dirty as she felt, she couldn't help but be turned on from the act of pleasuring this beautiful specimen of a man. Watching him at her mercy was so invigorating and only made her want him more. She could feel herself getting wetter and this only increased her need for him. 

Growing sexually frustrated, Hana stopped sucking his dick. She straddled him on the couch and pulled her panties to the side, so she could lower herself onto his cock. She left her dress on and pulled down the front slightly to expose her breasts. Itachi took one in his mouth and she lowered herself onto him completely letting out a loud moan as he filled her. She began rocking her hips back and forth and felt waves of pleasure flow through her as his dick stroked her insides. 

"Ohh Itachi, you fill me up so well" she moaned. 

"So fucking tight for me baby" Itachi said as she began to ride him faster. 

She began to make figure eight motions with her hips and could feel the heat building between her thighs. 

"Aw baby I'm so close" she cried. 

"Me too love" Itachi said, equally out of breath.

Hana picked up the pace and began riding him relentlessly. With each movement she tried to take him even deeper inside her. 

"Ugh I'm cumming" she moaned. 

Itachi could feel her get wetter as she cried out. He met his high simultaneously and emptied himself into her. 

"You were so fucking good baby" he said, kissing her on the temple. 

They both rinsed off quickly in the shower and went to the bedroom. They both laid in bed staring at the ceiling.

"Thank you for taking me here" Hanako said. "It's so nice to just be alone together. You don't know just how lonely I've been without you."

"I've missed you more than you can imagine" Itachi said. "Any extra moment I get with you, I cherish."

Hanako felt butterflies in her stomach at his words. He always knew just what to say to drive her crazy. Itachi just got her. He knew her inside and out. She wondered if they would still be sharing a bed together if he had stayed in the leaf village all those years. For some reason, she knew they would. They were a pair you just couldn't keep apart. She knew she cared deeply for him and now they were being intimate. What exactly made them different from just being a couple? She thought. She loved Itachi, but was she in love with him? Perhaps that was a thought for another day. 

Itachi stared at his best friend and couldn't help but admire her. She was beautiful, strong, resilient. She was everything he could ask for in a woman. He couldn't expect her to feel so fondly of him. He was a mass murderer for God's sake. He could only hope that one day she may care for him as much as he did for her. Being intimate with her didn't feel just like sex, but something more. Had he thought about dating her in the past? Of course he did. They were too young at the time, but he still thought about it. If he had stayed in the leaf village would they have ended up together? Probably. There was little doubt about it. They'd always stuck to one another like glue. Even his parents thought they'd end up together. Now, things were different though. They were both infiltrating a terrorist organization and the stakes were higher than ever. He was suffering from an illness that would significantly shorten his lifespan. What should he do? He thought about it as he lay there staring at the ceiling. Would he regret it if he didn't at least try to make it work with the woman he loved? Absolutely. That one thought seemed to ease his racing mind. 

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