2. Deja-Vu

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"How's Meg doing?" Harry asked his mother curiously while taking a sip from his tea.

"Oh, she finally opened her flower shop in Southley. She was so excited when I stopped by on opening day. The place looks lovely and everyone in our community already knows about it" Bella, his mother, told him excitedly.

"Wonderful. I guess, I have to pay her a visit now, mh?" Harry put his cup down. "She's wanted this for years".

"Yeah, she never understood why none of us had opened a flower shop in that part of town yet and preferred to go all the way to Flora's in Northernley" Bella chuckled into her cup.

"It's not like you can take the bus or summat" his father Roy threw in dryly, grinning around his cupcake. "Wizards".

"Hey!" Bella slapped his shoulder with a laugh.

"We're just very lazy. Thank you very much" Harry made fun of himself and his community. Partly, it was true though. Many of the wizards he knew would never take the bus to get to a magic shop they wanted to visit. Why, Harry couldn't say.

"At least, you own up to it" Roy winked at him funnily. "If you don't wanna take the bus for whatever reason, why don't you just fly there or whatever?".

"Huh, fair point" Bella had to admit. "I assume most of us do that without drawing attention to ourselves or there are some hidden magical entrances in the back or something".

"Like in your bakery because you can't fly" Roy put two and two together, sounding amused at the mere thought. "How's it going anyway?".

"Good, good. Business is booming" Harry grabbed another cupcake. "And no, I don't have dozens of hidden entrances in my backroom for random customers. Only one for family and friends and myself when I'm on magical delivery duty".

"Makes sense. It's a lot faster to just hop from one place to another through our portal doors" Bella noted casually.

"I have to admit, that's something the human world is lacking. It makes things so much easier. You walk through a door and you are exactly where you need to be" Roy finished his cupcake.

"True but I rarely use it for personal reasons. Only for work a ...".

"We know, Darling" his mother stroked a strand of hair out of his face. "You rarely use your magic outside of work to begin with".

"Yeah ..." Harry's thoughts wandered back to how he had used his powers on bloody dog biscuits out of all things a few days ago.

"What is it, Sweetheart?" Bella picked up on his change in mood.

"Nothing, it's just ..." Harry let out a long sigh of defeat. "A few days ago, I used my powers against my own rules and I'm not entirely sure why I did it and it's eating me alive".

"You're always too hard on yourself, Love" Bella pulled him into her arms and he went willingly. "No one forces you not to use your powers but yourself. There's nothing wrong with using the gift you were born with. You are a wizard and can use your magic, Baby".

"I know. I just don't like to use it outside of my own home too much and I can't really say why" Harry snuggled deeper into the embrace. "Maybe because I chose to live a normal life among Nogicis and I feel bad for having an advantage".

"Lots of us live like normal Nogicis, Darling. You know that. It's nothing unusual. It would've been weirder if you had chosen to live in the village" Bella caressed his back soothingly. "Sarah lives just like you but uses her magic all the time and it's not an issue for you. Why is it an issue when it comes to your own magic?".

"I don't know. I just like doing things normally, like Niall. And I know I have special pastries at my bakery but that's different. I'm not actively doing something or ...".

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