8. Chocolate Chip Muffins

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"Tommo, calm down. It's gonna be alright" Sean tried his best over FaceTime but it was totally in vain. Louis' mind was set on freaking the fuck out over this, not letting him think clearly for a second.

"Will it though?" Louis dropped the three sweaters that he was holding to look at Sean and Aria on their three-way FaceTime call. "Fuck, why did I agree to this? This is a horrible idea".

"It's a wonderful idea, Louis" Aria contradicted him. "Hell, he wants to teach you how to bake and not ravish you in the kitchen".

"Not funny" Louis glared at her pointedly, his pulse picking up.

"Maybe not the best thing to say, Ari" Sean grimaced at his state.

"Sorry, Louis. I didn't mean it like that" Aria looked pretty guilty now. "I only meant it's a nice offer and nothing to be worried about. It's only baking".

"Until it isn't" Sean sniggered under his breath.

"Sean" Aria hissed quietly but Louis had heard him.

"I don't want there to be anything else than baking and I think I made that clear when I asked if we're friends" Louis dropped to the floor of his closet, looking up at his laptop to see his friends.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Aria asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, man. You bloody fancy him" Sean stated the obvious.

"I don't ..." Louis groaned before he could even finish his denial, burying his face in his hands. "Fine, maybe I do but that doesn't mean shit. This is only a baking lesson amongst friends".

"Does he know that?" Sean raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sometimes I hate you, O'Kelly" Louis was so unimpressed.

"Stop, both of you" Aria looked back and forth between them pointedly, making both men shut up. "Louis, be honest with yourself this once. What do you actually want from Harry?".

"I like him" Louis admitted without a problem. "But I don't see us being anything more than friends. He could never want me".

"Because he's divorced" Aria made it obvious that this wasn't a question and it wasn't sitting right with him.

"No" Louis couldn't even look at his friends. "And yes, maybe. But not because of the divorce in itself. Lots of people get bloody divorced. Hell, my mum got divorced twice. I don't care about that. I just can't get past him having had everything and me ...".

"He doesn't know that though" Aria pointed out matter-of-factly.

"No, and he never will. It's embarrassing. I don't need to see the truth reflected in his eyes when he finds out" Louis' stomach tightened at the sheer thought. "No, just friends. If that".

"And if he makes a move on you? What then?" Sean questioned and he had a fair point. It wasn't entirely impossible.

"I'll stop him before he can. Make it obvious I only want to be friends with him. Again and again, if I have to" Louis sounded less and less convincing and he knew that.

"But it's not what you really want. It's what you're telling yourself you should want because you're convinced he could never like the real you if he knew everything" Aria saw right through him.

"Can you not read me for once? I'm trying to ...".

"I'm your best friend, Louis. I won't let you be an idiot and hurt yourself over this" Aria gave him a stern look, silencing him. "He's coming over and you can't stop him. He wants to spend time with you alone and that means something".

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