31. Family 'Dinner'

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"You have no right to look like this" Louis watched his naked boyfriend climb out of the pool on the other side of his indoor pool in the basement. "You should come with a warning".

"But I do warn you every time before I come" Harry had the audacity to throw him the fakest innocent look Louis has ever seen, prancing around dick-first.

"You're such a little minx" Louis sat down on the wide ledge right next to the big steps leading into the pool, leaning onto the little backrest. "You're gonna jump back in, or what?".

"Oh, do you not like ogling my wet body?" Harry walked along the edge of the pool like a diva, showing off his body. "I thought I've seen your dick peak out of the water".

"That's neither here nor there" Louis' hand wandered down to cup his stiff dick, stroking over it lazily while watching his man.

"Wouldn't you rather touch me?" Harry looked pointedly at the spot where Louis' hand was moving up and down under the water's surface. "Wouldn't you prefer my hand on your cock?".

"Why? You're finally gonna come over here?" Louis cocked an eyebrow up at him challengingly, making his movements even more obvious to rile Harry up and eyeing his dick hungrily.

Making an impressively perfect twill into the water, Harry slowly swam over to him, his eyes never leaving his. When he was close enough to touch, Harry placed his hands flat down on the ledge and crawled closer to Louis, who was only watching him with a dry throat, his hand faltering on his dick. Winking at him exaggeratedly, Harry wrapped his hand around Louis' dick and started to stroke him painfully slow, the water smoothening the flow. Thumbing at the tip, Louis let out a guttural moan.

"You want me now?" Harry let go of his dick to sit down on his lap teasingly, just so missing his dick with that move.

"Always, Baby" Louis grabbed onto Harry's waist and crashed their lips together in a wet kiss, prodding his rim with one finger.

"Please, no teasing, Lou. I'm already on the edge" Harry panted into his mouth, rocking down on him clumsily.

"You've been the one teasing me, Baby. Not the other way round. How did you get so worked up?" Louis breached his rim with one finger to give him something to take the edge off.

"Thought about sitting on your dick since I woke up" Harry took his second finger eagerly, rocking down on them desperately.

"Naughty petal" Louis grazed his bundle of nerves teasingly.

"Always" Harry brought their mouths back together, cupping Louis' face roughly, which caused his fingers to slip out of his boyfriend to better hold onto said boyfriend's perfect waist.

Whining into his mouth at the sudden loss of his fingers, Harry deepened their kiss and adjusted himself on his lap, grabbing a hold of Louis' hard dick and sinking down on it in an instant. Both of them moaned out at the feeling and dug their nails into the other. Barely keeping it together, they started to move their bodies in sync. Harry bounced down on his dick and Louis met him halfway with steady thrusts upwards. The insane pleasure of this moment washed over Louis in waves and made his head spin.

"Baby" Louis trailed one hand over Harry's spine up to his head and right into his curls, massaging his scalp lightly.

Looking right into Louis' eyes with glazed-over eyes, Harry came with a loud and broken cry of Louis' name on a hard thrust of Louis' hips, digging his nails into Louis' shoulders. Fucking him through his intense orgasm, Louis got pushed over the edge when Harry deliberately clenched his walls right around Louis' tip. Shooting his cum into his boyfriend, Louis nuzzled his face into Harry's neck until he came down from his high, licking and sucking over a mark he had left with his teeth like some vampire.

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