22. Chocolate Cupcakes

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All night, Harry has been twisting and turning in bed, unable to sleep because he has been scared of what the next morning might bring. Louis had taken over all of his thoughts. His tired and bloodshot but still mesmerizing blue eyes. His tousled hair, that was too soft to be true. His slurred but angelic voice, mumbling words Harry couldn't forget but should've never heard.

And now here he was, standing in front of Louis' gate again at nine in the morning with his stomach telling him to ring the bell but his mind making up all kinds of scenarios with a furious Louis. His heart had a clear wish in between all his emotional chaos. It only wanted to go inside and engulf Louis in a tight hug, never letting him go again. Louis' neighbours must think he was mental.

Bracing himself to get sent away in a minute, he finally rang the bell and waited tensely, holding his breath idiotically. The buzzing sound of the gate being opened startled him big time and made him squeak embarrassingly, almost dropping his cupcake box. Pushing the gate open, Harry walked the short way up to the front door, where Louis was already standing, looking still a bit tired and overall sad and defeated but lovely nonetheless.

"Um ... Hi" Harry greeted him awkwardly but got no reaction. "I ... err ... I know you probably don't want me here but ... um ... I wanted to see how you're ... how your hangover's doing. I even ... I even brought you hangover cupcakes. They should help".

For an awfully long beat, Louis was simply looking at him with way too empty eyes. It was unnerving and highly unsettling but he endured it because he didn't deserve any kindness from Louis after treating him the way he did in the past. After making him feel not good enough because of his own insecurities and fears.

When Louis was still not saying anything after gauging each other for at least three awkwardly silent minutes, Harry cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I'll just leave them here for you, yeah? You can eat them or not but I ... um ... I'll go then, mh?".

About to place the box on the ground and leave, he was stopped by the sound of Louis' broken but very sweet voice. "Don't go".

His head snapped up at the sound of Louis' voice immediately, still squatting down in front of him though. He looked so small and vulnerable right now. Never could Harry actually leave him.

"Okay," Harry rose up from the ground again. "I stay".

The ghost of a smile scurried across Louis' face before he took a step back to let him in, making Harry's heart beat faster with that simple gesture alone. He hadn't expected to be asked in.

Kicking off his shoes unceremoniously, Harry followed Louis into his living room, taking in his home all over again. Even though he's been over a fair amount of times, he still got a bit awestruck by Louis' house. Not because of its size or anything. No, it wasn't that. Louis' house wasn't extravagant, pretentious or pompous like some might've expected. It didn't scream that a famous ex-footie player was living here. It wasn't screaming that he had money. It wasn't that vainglorious. Louis wasn't that ostentatious.

Louis' house was simply lovely. Of course, it was big and it had an indoor pool in the bloody basement but it had only been a lucky purchase. Every other family with well-paying jobs could afford this house and that said a lot about who Louis really was. It was way more modest than some other athlete's house that he had seen in the media before. Louis was humble, after all. Normal. And so was his house. It looked exactly like him. The interior design was so endearing and Harry just felt comfortable here.

Instead of going for the couch, Louis headed for his beautiful bay window and Harry followed him, of course. This specific place in Louis' living room was the most lovely thing Harry had ever seen and it was obvious that it was Louis' favourite place.

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